CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A Novel Framework for Contactless diagnosis and forecasting of Cardiovascular Diseases


Anhand der Stimme des Herzens Risiko eines plötzlichen Herzstillstands bewerten

Ein Herzstillstand liegt dann vor, wenn das Herz plötzlich aufhört, Blut durch den Körper zu pumpen. Die Symptome treten schlagartig auf, und es bleibt wenig Zeit für Tests, denn ein plötzlicher Herzstillstand ist lebensbedrohlich. Fortschritte bei Technologien wie der kontaktlosen Fernüberwachung von Erkrankten können jedoch hilfreich sein, um vorherzusagen, ob (und wann) jemand einen Herzstillstand erleiden wird. Das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt ContactlessFramework wird das Risikovorhersage-Framework VCardiac entwickeln, um mithilfe des akustischen Geschehens im Menschen Herzerkrankungen im Frühstadium zu diagnostizieren und zu erkennen sowie Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme vorherzusagen. Es wird ein maßgeschneiderter Datensatz mit 2 000 menschlichen Klangproben erarbeitet, um akustische Herzschlagereignisse als normal, Herzgeräusch, Extrasystole und Artefakt sowie andere, nicht gekennzeichnete akustische Ausprägungen des Herzschlags zu klassifizieren.


"In ancient times, doctors have followed unorganized practices to diagnose cardiac arrest conditions of healthcare patients. The followed medical procedures were not very organized and accurate even though cardiac patients were diagnosed using devices, such as a stethoscope. However, the latest advancements in the technologies such as contactless remote patient monitoring, AIoMT (Artificial Intelligence of Medical Things), advanced big data and cloud-based analytics and alerts have created a paradigm shift in healthcare and provided 24 x 7 connectivity. The study proposed a VCardiac (Contactless Cardiac Classification and Risk Prediction) Framework to diagnose and identify early stages of heart diseases and forecast their cardiac conditions in advance using the human voice. In this study, a customized dataset termed ""Cardiac-2000"" with 2000 human voice samples will be designed to classify acoustic heartbeat events such as normal, murmur, extra systole, artifact, and other unlabeled heartbeat acoustic events. The average duration of the recorded heartbeat acoustic events would be 10 to 12 seconds. The primary reason for designing a customized dataset ""cardiac-2000"" is to balance the total number of samples into categories such as normal and abnormal heartbeat acoustic events. For performance evaluations of the proposed VCardiac Framework, the collected heartbeat acoustic samples will be classified using LSTM-CNN, RNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CNN, K-means Clustering, and SVM methodologies. Furthermore, the proposed VCardiac Framework will also assist in classifying Age and Gender-wise risks using methodologies such as Kaplan-Meier and Cox-regression survival analysis. These methodologies will also assist in identifying the probability risk and the 10-year risk score prediction. In the end, the proposed VCardiac Framework will be tested for various Signal to Noise ratio conditions for achieving better accuracy, effectiveness, and throughput."


€ 222 727,68
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