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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Localized Cancer Therapy


Innovative Nanoträger-basierte Krebsbehandlung

Herkömmliche Krebsbehandlungsmethoden sind mit klinischen Herausforderungen verbunden, wie Nichtspezifität, Nebenwirkungen, Arzneimitteltoleranz und weiteren. Kürzlich entwickelte lokalisierte Therapien auf der Basis von Nanoarzneimitteln sind nicht-invasiv, steuerbar und haben minimale Nebenwirkungen. Diese Art der Behandlung bringt Nanoträger direkt zum Zieltumor, nach Aktivierung werden dann Chemotherapeutika freigesetzt. Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sicherheit dieser Technologie sind mit dem Mangel an biologischer Abbaubarkeit, potenzieller Toxizität, schlechter Bioverfügbarkeit und Komplikationen der Arzneimittelaktivierung verbunden. Das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt LCT zielt darauf ab, innovative Nanoträger einzuführen, die ungiftig, biokompatibel und biologisch abbaubar sind, um sie für die kombinierte Anwendung mit etablierten Behandlungen wie präziser und effektiver Strahlentherapie nutzbar zu machen.


Currently, cancer is the second cause of morbidity and death in Europe, with 1.9m deaths and 3.7m cases annually. Cancer-related deaths are projected to exceed 13m by 2030, with abdominal organs hosting most cancer incidents. Although popular, conventional modalities are nonetheless associated with major clinical challenges such as non-specificity, side effects, and drug tolerance, which impede further developments. In recent years, non-invasive, controllable, minimal side effects, and localized nano-scale drug-based therapies have been developed. This treatment deploys nanocarriers (NCs) to the location of the targeted cancer tumors, and upon activation, they release chemotherapeutic drugs. However, there are concerns over the safety of this strategy due to lack of biodegradation, potential toxicity, poor bioavailability, and limitations associated with the drug activation protocols.

The main goal of the LCT project is to overcome these challenges in an original and innovative manner by developing nanocarriers that are nontoxic, biocompatible, biodegradable, and can be combined with a well-known treatment modality (e.g. a precise and effective radiation treatment). The proposed work will be approached from theoretical, numerical, and experimental perspectives based on the applicant's and host laboratory's expertise. The training program is exhaustive and will allow the applicant to grow as an independent researcher. The proposed research will foster further development in this direction, a step that is fundamental in healthcare and for the benefit of society.

The applicant is a Libyan scholar with expertise in the areas of applied mechanics, industrial & medical radiation, materials science, nano-chemistry, and structural engineering. He has been trained in prestigious industrial and academic institutions in Libya, Canada, and Hong Kong. He is applying for a two-year MSCA fellowship to conduct the LCT at NUI Galway. A 4 months secondment at UCD is planned.


€ 199 694,40
H91 Galway

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Ireland Northern and Western West
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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