Descrizione del progetto
Esplorare la transizione verso la guida connessa e automatizzata
In futuro, i veicoli interagiranno direttamente tra loro e con l’infrastruttura di trasporto. Tuttavia, si sa poco del potenziale impatto e delle implicazioni dell’integrazione di soluzioni di mobilità cooperativa, connessa e automatizzata (CCAM, Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility). Il progetto Move2CCAM, finanziato dall’UE, esaminerà l’impatto delle soluzioni CCAM per il trasporto di passeggeri e merci e definirà i casi d’uso, i modelli aziendali e gli indicatori chiave di rendimento, impegnandosi in azioni di co-creazione con una rete di operatori dell’intero ecosistema CCAM. Verrà inoltre creato uno strumento di valutazione dell’impatto per studiare l’effetto degli interventi CCAM su mobilità, società, economia, salute pubblica e ambiente.
Mobility is crossing a new digital frontier in terms of connectivity, allowing vehicles to communicate to each other, to the infrastructure and to other transport systems users. However, the potential implications and impacts of integration of CCAM solutions into the mobility system are not well understood neither for specific actors nor for the systems level. MOVE2CCAM will: i) explore the impact of CCAM passenger and freight solutions; define use cases, business models and KPIs through co-creation activities with the “Satellites”, and ii) develop a practical system dynamics-based impact assessment tool that will enable the evaluation of CCAM interventions’ impact on mobility-, socio-economic-, public health- and environmental-related aspects considering diverse European region specifics and different actors’ needs, objectives and perceptions. The Satellites is a multi-systems network of actors across the whole CCAM ecosystem consisting of industries, authorities, researchers citizens, and orbits around the project by participating in a series of co-creation activities. Case studies for different types of organisations, dialogues, social simulation experiments, virtual reality games, and AV demonstrations take place in 8 European countries and at a pan-European level to collect data and specify the multi-systems impacts of CCAMs. The impact assessment tool will allow stakeholders to test and evaluate the system-wide impacts of CCAM interventions along with a range of complementary policies providing also a series of KPIs (within the project it is applied for Helmond(NL), GZM(PL), and Aegean Islands(GR). Given these activities, MOVE2CCAM significantly contributes to a well-founded understanding of the impacts of CCAMs. It will deliver impact evaluation frameworks and tools with KPIs covering sectors such as society, economy, and the environment; policy recommendations for CCAM partnerships and large-scale demonstrations; and recommendations for SUMP.
Campo scientifico
Not validated
Not validated
- medical and health scienceshealth sciencespublic health
- engineering and technologymechanical engineeringvehicle engineeringaerospace engineeringsatellite technology
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementbusiness models
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesecologyecosystems
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftwaresoftware applicationsvirtual reality
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinatore
70197 Stuttgart
L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.