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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Quantum resistant communications: Advance Learning in applied PQC Training

Descripción del proyecto

Formación para la próxima generación de criptógrafos

Los ordenadores cuánticos están a punto de llegar al gran público y su introducción va a hacer que el cifrado tradicional basado en números primos sea fácilmente descifrable. El equipo del proyecto financiado con fondos europeos QUARC trabaja en una solución mediante la formación de ocho doctorandos en las primeras normas de criptografía poscuántica. QUARC proporcionará una investigación coordinada en diferentes áreas de la criptografía, que se centrará en su aplicación. Los doctorandos pasarán la mitad del tiempo con socios industriales y recibirán apoyo de expertos externos en la materia. El objetivo es utilizar la investigación como herramienta de formación para impulsar la criptografía poscuántica de última generación en Europa.


Quantum Computers are about to be accessible to the public. The ability for Quantum Computers to break classic cryptography protocols is pushing the adoption of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). PQC protocols are resistant against quantum computers. During 2022, and after several years of research, the first standards on PQC will be made available to the public.

Although the EU has some scattered activities on PQC, it has not yet addressed the need for PQC experts in application of this emerging technology. This is the driving force for QUARC, a Doctoral Network Industrial Doctorate on PQC, providing interdisciplinary and integral training and research in PQC. QUARC will train 8 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) through an outstanding training program that includes coordinated research in different cryptography areas, focusing on implementation. QUARC is an industrial doctorate, and besides a 50% of their time located in an industrial partner, each DC will be also exposed to a set of training initiatives in the areas of relevance for industry and receive the support of an external advisory board made out of experts in the field. QUARC establishes a well-balances, interdisciplinary, intersectoral and innovative training network, with an overarching theme of quality and edginess: research as a training tool to push the current state-of-the-art in PQC.

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Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 301 788,00
4000 Roskilde

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Danmark Sjælland Østsjælland
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (5)

Socios (1)