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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Fleet and traffic management systems for conducting future cooperative mobility


Specification and initial version of techniques for dynamic optimization and network load-balancing

Provides a detailed description of the techniques for dynamic optimization and network load-balancing, to optimize the performance of the overall transport network and to deal with uncertainties of the transport environment. D3.2 is related to work performed in T3.3 and T3.4.

Validation Strategy and Plan

Provide a consistent Validation Strategy and Plan, in which the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and overall validation objectives and hypotheses addressed by the project are to be included. D5.1 is related to T5.4.

Updated plan for dissemination and communication of results

Final list of planned dissemination and communication activities, to promote the project results. D6.3 is extension of D6.1 and is related to T6.1 and T6.2.

Specification and initial version of anomaly detection routines

Provides a detailed description of anomaly detection techniques to allow for the identification of specific traffic patterns. D3.3 is related to T3.5.

Initial Plan for dissemination and communication of results

Initial list of dissemination and communication activities as well as target audiences to promote the project results D61 is related to T61 and T62

Detailed use-case specifications and their KPIs

Detailed description of the use case functional requirements, research questions, scenarios to be considered, datasets to be used, and KPIs to be analysed. D1.3 is related to T1.5.

Specification and initial version of data gathering, harmonization, fusion and analysis techniques

Reports the techniques used for data gathering from various sources, their harmonization, fusion and analysis, to be used in decision and predictive steps. D3.1 is related to work performed in T3.1 and T3.2.

Safety, Risk and Ethics Reports – Initial version

This document will include the outcome of Task7.3, reporting: i) Monitoring and coordinating the consistency between WPs/Tasks; ii) Managing the flow of information and data between WPs; iii) Identifying and managing (potential) risks by preparation of Risk and quality plan and iv) all ethical and gender issues and safety and project data security measures reports. D7.4 is related to T7.3.

Report on stakeholder requirements, user needs and social innovations

Report and map with the relevant stakeholders their needs and current problems and requirements to be taken into consideration for specifications including the user needs based on sociodemographic characteristics vulnerability purpose of travel attitude towards sustainability D11 is related to T11 and T12

Specification and initial version of the enhanced governance models

Provides the specifications of possible governance and regulation models to be applied in CCAM services and assess their impact to CCAM uptake and innovation. It will define the areas of intervention (including Cooperative, connected and autonomous vehicles, shared/on-demand mobility, MaaS platforms, infrastructure, network and traffic management) and will report the outcome of the impact assessment based on stakeholder consultations. It will also develop specifications for traffic and fleet management models and formulate possible governance models considering existing standards, national and EU-regulations, and best practices. D2.4 refers to T2.6.

First version of Data Management Plan

All archiving strategies to be followed within the project for the information provided by the data owners during the project and the management of the transport content collected D72 is related to T72

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