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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Control of Hydrogen and Enriched-hydrogen Reacting flows with Water injection and Intensive Strain for ultra-low Emissions


Kontrolle der Flüchtigkeit von Wasserstoff und der Emissionen von Nitridoxiden in Gasturbinen

Wasserstoff gilt als sauberer Ersatz für fossile Kraftstoffe im Verkehrswesen der Zukunft. Trotz seiner vielversprechenden Eigenschaften gibt es jedoch Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sicherheit der Brennstoffzellentechnologie und der Flüchtigkeit von Wasserstoff. Darüber hinaus verursacht die Verbrennung von Wasserstoff hohe Stickoxidemissionen (NOx). Im Rahmen des vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Projekts OTHERWISE wird zum ersten Mal eine intensive Beanspruchung und Wassereinspritzung im Zusammenhang mit einer schlanken Vormischverbrennung untersucht. OTHERWISE wird sich auf vorangegangene Forschungsarbeiten stützen, die gezeigt haben, dass eine intensive Beanspruchung in Verbindung mit einer Wassereinspritzung dazu beiträgt, die NOx-Emissionen deutlich zu senken und die üblichen Verbrennungsinstabilitäten bei der schlanken Vormischverbrennung zu verhindern.


We are racing against time to find a clean, yet abundant, energy source able to arrest global warming. Hydrogen has all the characteristics to address this challenge: it can be produced cleanly from water; it is incredibly energetic; and more importantly, it is carbon-free. However, hydrogen’s strong reactivity and diffusivity make the control of its flame in energy-generation devices extremely challenging. Moreover, toxic nitric oxides (NOx), a major concern for air quality, are still abundantly produced in a hydrogen flame. Enabling the use of hydrogen requires thus solutions where the flame is stable and with ultra-low NOx at the same time, and at any power setting.

In this research I will study, for the first time, the combination of intensive strain and water injection in the context of lean premixed combustion. My preliminary research has indicated that intensive strain improves the reactivity of the hydrogen flame and simultaneously pushes the NOx down significantly, a property yet to be understood. Water injection further pushes down the NOx, but it commonly causes flame extinctions and inefficiencies. Its combination with hydrogen and intensive strain, by enhancing the flame, offers a way of surpassing these limitations, and further allows to operate the flame at richer conditions, so preventing common instabilities from occurring in lean premixed combustion.

The objective of this research is to push the hydrogen flame into a high-strain regime characterised by stable flame and ultra-low NOx, and find the extreme limits and physical knowledge allowing full control of the reacting flow in such a regime. The flame dynamics, still unknown in this regime, will be explored for the first time and fully characterised in this research by using high-fidelity simulations, experiments and theoretical analyses. The gathered understanding will allow the control of hydrogen flames at any power setting. This will pave the way for the exploitation of green energy.


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€ 1 499 958,00
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