Descrizione del progetto
Promuovere l’eccellenza della ricerca e la democrazia in Slovacchia
Orizzonte Europa si propone di costruire una società europea più inclusiva, sostenibile, prospera e democratica e di sfruttare tutte le potenzialità dello Spazio europeo della ricerca riducendo i forti divari tra i sistemi di ricerca nazionali. Il progetto BRRIDGE, finanziato dall’UE, gemellerà l’Università Matej Bel (UMB) in Slovacchia con la Central European University, l’Istituto universitario europeo e l’Università statale irlandese a Galway, per rafforzare le capacità di ricerca nel campo della democrazia e della politica e contribuire a una più profonda comprensione dell’attuale scollamento democratico che deriva dalle sfide delle tecnologie, delle disuguaglianze, della cultura e della governance. BRRIDGE si focalizza sulla creazione di reti strategiche, lo sviluppo di capacità, il rafforzamento dell’eccellenza nella ricerca e sulla promozione della democrazia attraverso l’impegno della comunità e delle politiche. Il progetto prevede anche la creazione del Democracy Living Lab nella regione autonoma di Banská Bystrica.
One of the key strategic orientations of Horizon Europe is to build a more inclusive, sustainable, prosperous, and democratic European society and unlock the full potential of the European Research Area by reducing the wide gaps that exist between national research systems. The BRRIDGE project will contribute to these goals by twinning Matej Bel University (UMB), an emerging Slovak public university located in a country that is struggling to improve its research and innovation performance and within a region with one of the lowest R&I levels in the EU, with three top-class partners across Europe — Central European University, European University Institute, and the National University of Ireland Galway.
BRRIDGE aims to build research excellence in the domain of democracy and policy at UMB, as well as to advance the research management and administration capacity of UMB, while generating knowledge that contributes to the quality of democracy in Slovakia and in Europe as a whole. The project focuses on four specific objectives: strategic networking, building capacities, strengthening excellence in research, and fostering democracy through community and policy engagement. Together, these four form the basis for the work plan, project achievements, and desired impacts.
Building on the vast potential of strategic networking of the consortium to generate excellence, the project will raise the reputation and attractiveness of UMB nationally and internationally by enhancing its research capacity through joint collaboration, knowledge transfer, exchange of best practices, and networking. In addition to this, BRRIDGE will lead to higher engagement of a broad group of various stakeholders in research processes through the creation of the Democracy Living Lab in the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region (Central Slovakia).
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinatore
974 01 Banska Bystrica