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Imaging and Characterization for a Sustainable World


Für die Herausforderungen von morgen heute ausgebildet werden

Die finnische Universität Oulu wird 25 Nachwuchsforschende in ein neuartiges internationales, interdisziplinäres und sektorübergreifendes Doktoratsprogramm aufnehmen. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts I4WORLD ist es, die Universität dabei zu unterstützen, eine strukturierte Doktoratsausbildung anzubieten, die dem Bedarf an qualifizierten Nachwuchsforschenden für die europäische Industrie, den öffentlichen Sektor und die Wissenschaft gerecht wird. Konkret zielt das Projekt darauf ab, die Möglichkeiten moderner Bildgebungs- und Charakterisierungsmethoden in der multidisziplinären Forschung voll auszuschöpfen. Das Programm vereint 6 Fakultäten und 24 Forschungsgruppen der Universität Oulu. Außerdem gehören ihr internationale akademische Partner, Privatunternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors und ein Industrieverband an.


I4WORLD - Imaging and Characterization for a Sustainable World - is a novel international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral programme for 25 ESRs hosted at the University of Oulu. The programme trains future research and innovation leaders for the global challenges of sustainability transition in UN Sustainable Development Goals topics: Good Health and Wellbeing, Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Industries and Production and Clean Water, Biodiversity, and Environment. I4WORLD is based on full exploitation of the possibilities of modern imaging and characterisation methods in multidisciplinary research. The Programme combines six faculties and 24 research units of UOULU and is driven together with 18 international academic partners, 9 private companies, five research organizations, two public sector organisations and an industrial association. I4WORLD brings together the complementary expertise of world-class researchers in training ESRs with interdisciplinary visions in highly relevant UN SDGs research areas. The programme will provide ESRs comprehensive understanding on aspects of the sustainability and first-hand understanding on how research develops from science findings to interdisciplinary innovations and commercially valuable applications. Equality and diversity are inbuild values of the Programme in its training actions as well as in dissemination and communication. I4WORLD provides structured doctoral training responding to the need to train skilled next-generation ESRs to European job markets in industry, public sector and academia. Programme exploits local, national and international strengths of the network partners having excellence in research, cutting-edge infrastructures, and collaboration networks. I4WORLD builds upon a critical mass of expertise and provides a unique combination of complementary methodological approaches for high-quality training that would not be possible to implement at any site or organisation alone.


€ 3 360 000,00
90014 Oulu

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Manner-Suomi Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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