CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Leadership for Sustainable Digital Transformation in Europe


Nächste Forschungsgeneration im Bereich der nachhaltigen Digitalisierung ausbilden

Der nachhaltige digitale Wandel ist ein Schlüsselelement vieler europäischer Initiativen. Er fördert digitale Lösungen, die zum Wirtschaftswachstum und zu umweltfreundlichen Zielen beitragen. Mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen werden im Rahmen des Projekts DIGI PLUS an 20 Forschende im Postdoktorat Stipendien vergeben, um digitale Fähigkeiten, Strategien und Standards in vier multidisziplinären Bereichen zu verbessern: innovative Geschäftsmodelle und Datenökosysteme, digitale Kultur und Kompetenzen, Daten-Governance sowie innovative digitale Technologien und deren Einführung. Sie erwerben eine Kombination aus forschungsorientierten und übertragbaren Kompetenzen, wodurch sich ihre beruflichen Aufstiegschancen deutlich verbessern. Das Projekt wird eine neue Generation europäischer Forschender ausbilden, die bereit sind, sich den künftigen digitalen Herausforderungen zu stellen.


DIGI+ is a world-class research fellowship programme, cofunded by MSCA, on Sustainable Digital Transformation that aims for a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researcher leaders, able to face current and future challenges aligned with EU’s Digital and Green Agenda. Driven by the ambition of sustainable ecosystems the DIGI+ research programme is focussed on developing innovative digital transformation approaches addressing cross-disciplinary challenges, relevant to current policies and strategies in the European Research Area. The programme funds 20 Postdoctoral Researchers to advance digital transformation practices in four multidisciplinary research themes: 1) Innovative Business Models and Data Ecosystems; 2) Digital Culture and Skills ; 3) Data Governance; 4) Innovative Digital Technologies and Adoption aligned with the EU sustainable development goals.

Driven by the ambition of sustainability, DIGI+ has brought together partners that cultivate excellence by extending the traditional academic research setting, equipping researchers with a tailored combination of research-specific and transferable skills that will enhance career prospects in both the academic and non-academic sectors. DIGI+ is embedded within Ireland’s leading SFI-funded research centres, Lero and Adapt, bringing together a group of world-leading experts. Together with outstanding working conditions that support both family and career, DIGI+ thus provides the fellows with excellent career perspective. DIGI+ will impact on research, policy, standards and Digital skills. DIGI+ fellows will be able to convert knowledge and ideas to drive the digital transformation for economic and social benefit, with sustainability a key parameter. DIGI+ research helps to establish a set of innovative, multidisciplinary Digital Transformation Paths supporting the EU sustainability goals and help forming sustainable, net-zero economies, a key aim within the EU for the next decade.


€ 1 910 400,00
W23 Maynooth

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Mid-East
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Partner (17)