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reuSable strAtegic space Launcher Technologies & Operations

Descripción del proyecto

Demostración europea de la primera etapa de un lanzador estratégico espacial reutilizable

El acceso independiente al espacio constituye una cuestión estratégica para Europa. Reforzar los recursos y servicios espaciales europeos de forma sostenible y rentable es una prioridad de la Unión Europea (UE). Los lanzadores espaciales reutilizables son un ámbito intenso de investigación y desarrollo, ya que abordan estos objetivos. Europa, como otras naciones punteras en el ámbito espacial, trabaja en lanzadores espaciales reutilizables y está dispuesta a ir más rápido. El equipo del proyecto SALTO, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará tecnologías y componentes básicos para la primera etapa de un lanzador y realizará, por primera vez en Europa, ciclos de vuelo-recuperación-vuelo de una primera etapa prototipo para un lanzador reutilizable. Reforzará la independencia de la UE en el suministro de materiales y tecnologías clave, hará más accesible el espacio y fomentará la competitividad del sector espacial europeo.


SALTO will perform, for the first time in Europe, fly / recover / refly cycles of a reusable rocket first stage demonstrator. Operating a large-scale vehicle at low altitude, consistent with future European strategic needs, and embedding a set of critical technologies, the project will significantly boost the strategic launchers roadmap, enabling the vision of a future launch fleet improving by 50% space access costs and reducing environmental impacts. SALTO will hence act as a “stepping stone” towards reusability of strategic launchers in Europe which is one of the key leverages to reach such vision.
Fully aligned with previous ESA-funded activities (e.g. Themis initial phase Program), SALTO focuses on
- Technologies and building blocks maturation up to TRL5/6 for the first stage of a strategic launcher;
- Subsystem/system tests with two low altitude system tests (“hop test”) campaigns.
SALTO's methodology will combine robust system engineering with technology maturation activities and a stepped demonstration strategy to accelerate experimental learning through the implementation of the Agile methodology. The SALTO project will culminate in flight test campaigns to demonstrate and validate the technologies necessary for a reusable launch vehicle.
SALTO will contribute to the cost reduction target for strategic launcher in Europe by addressing ~3/4 (in cost) of all technologies / operations involved in a future European reusable rocket stage. While Europe is currently lagging behind other global players when it comes to reusable launchers, SALTO will reinforce EU’s independent capacity to access space, secure autonomy of supply for critical technologies and equipment, and foster EU's space sector competitiveness.
At the end of the project, lessons will be drawn regarding the maturity of the different technological bricks, TRL and readiness for flight tests. A roadmap to increase their maturity will be prepared in view of suborbital tests by 2025.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 13 790 397,50
78130 Les Mureaux

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Yvelines
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 15 847 262,50

Participantes (25)