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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Decision Toolbox for cities to improve air quality, biodiversity, human wellbeing and reduce climate risks by planting more trees in our cities

Descripción del proyecto

Caja de herramientas decisorias y nuevos modelos de negocio para fomentar la plantación de árboles en las ciudades

El calor urbano, la contaminación atmosférica, los entornos ruidosos y el exceso de hormigón hacen que las ciudades modernas sean vulnerables a un clima cambiante. Plantar más árboles en el entorno urbano es una solución sencilla para ayudar a resolver estos problemas. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto 100KTREES, financiado con fondos europeos, cartografiará los árboles existentes y creará un modelo de negocio sólido para plantar nuevos árboles, además de atraer el patrocino de terceros para hacerlo realidad. Su caja de herramientas de cartografía y modelización optimizará la plantación de árboles y permitirá supervisar su salud usando datos de Copernicus e «in situ». También asignará un valor monetario a características clave de un árbol como, por ejemplo, la absorción de la contaminación, el efecto de enfriamiento, la atenuación del ruido, la reducción del riesgo de inundaciones y el aumento de la biodiversidad. Sofía y Copenhague servirán como ciudades de prueba.


Most of us live in cities, even though cities are not the healthiest places due to poor air quality, noisy surroundings and lack of recreational spaces. Many cities have few green areas and consist of too much ‘concrete jungle’ which makes for a harsh environment for all living things. With the changing climate, the weather is expected to become more extreme. One such effect will be urban heat islands, which will be even more profound, with heatwaves expected to increase 3 to 10-fold by 20801 depending on the climate scenario. A way of tackling all these issues, is to plant more trees within the urban fabric - a well-recognised, and relatively cheap and efficient measure for cities to adapt to future climatic challenges. In view of this, the ambition of 100KTREEs is to make cities a better and healthier place to live by encouraging municipalities to plant more trees and to optimise the impact of tree planting. The team will support cities by mapping the existing trees and by showing a solid business case for planting new trees, as well as attracting third party sponsorship to make it happen. We need to plant trees now to allow our children to enjoy their shade in 20 years’ time. 100KTREEs will develop a mapping and modelling toolbox to optimise the planting of trees and to monitor the health of the trees, based on Copernicus and in-situ data. By assigning monetary value to the key attributes of a tree, e.g. pollution absorption, cooling effect, noise abatement, flood risk reduction and increased biodiversity, a number of business cases will be developed for our two partner cities, Copenhagen and Sofia. Such business cases will also be used to attract third party financing. By means of a crowd science app we will engage with citizens and create awareness of the wonders of trees, also extending to improved life quality and mental health impacts.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 355 250,00
2970 Hoersholm

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Danmark Hovedstaden Nordsjælland
Tipo de actividad
Coste total
€ 355 250,00

Participantes (10)

Socios (1)