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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

ClimateSmartAdvisors: Connecting and mobilizing the EU agricultural advisory community to support the transition to Climate Smart Farming

Description du projet

Expertise en matière de changement climatique et d’agriculture

Le changement climatique menace la sécurité alimentaire mondiale. Si ses effets sur l’agriculture sont manifestes, l’agriculture est également l’une des causes du changement climatique. Des efforts d’adaptation s’imposent. Dans ce contexte, le projet ClimateSmartAdvisors, financé par l’UE, réunira des experts de 27 pays pour trouver des moyens d’adopter des pratiques agricoles résilientes face au changement climatique (CC). Les experts-conseils élaboreront des innovations et des pratiques adaptées au CC. Le projet organisera des activités visant à renforcer la capacité des conseillers à dispenser des conseils en matière d’adaptation au CC et à accroître leur rôle dans la transition vers une agriculture résiliente face au CC. Plus particulièrement, il mettra en place un réseau européen de 260 communautés de pratique (CdP) qui soutiendra la formation de 1 500 conseillers qui figureront au cœur de l’échange de connaissances sur le CC. Les CdP échangeront leurs connaissances au niveau international.


ClimateSmartAdvisors is a pan-European multi-actor network covering 27 countries. Its aim is to boost the EU agricultural advisory community, leading to an acceleration of the adoption of climate smart (CS) farming practices by the wider farming community within and across EU AKISs. To reach this objective, ClimateSmartAdvisors focuses on the crucial role of advisors in the development and dissemination of CS innovations and practices. The project will organize activities focusing on strengthening the advisors’ capacity in providing CS advice and boosting the advisors’ role in the transition towards CS farming through their involvement in innovation projects, CS-AKIS, and EU projects and initiatives. A number of complementary activities are developed to strengthen the CS advisory capacity of the EU advisory community: 1) an EU-wide network of 260 advisory Communities of Practice (CoP) to support the development of 1500 advisors will form the core of CS knowledge exchange; 2) 140 advisors will receive expert training on selected topics, relevant for their context and for facilitating a CoP; 3) CoPs will internationally exchange knowledge on 12 thematic areas; 4) a knowledge repository will provide advisors with CS tools, practices and approaches developed in the ClimateFarmDemo project and further expanded in ClimateSmartAdvisors, 5) monitoring, evaluation and learning activities will capitalize lessons learned in and outside the project. Activities to boost the advisors role in the CS transition include: 1) connecting to local and EU (multi-actor innovation) projects, initiatives, AKIS actors, and policy makers to clarify and address joint needs, challenges and lessons learned, 2) the set-up of Co-Design Innovation Experiments to learn on how to strengthen the advisors’ role in innovation processes. Finally, to accelerate the wide spread of results, an ambitious dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy will be deployed at EU and national levels.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 601 056,00
9820 Merelbeke

Voir sur la carte

Vlaams Gewest Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen Arr. Gent
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 613 556,25

Participants (65)

Partenaires (6)