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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Aquaponics from WAstewater REclamation

Descripción del proyecto

Uso de agua regenerada en la piscicultura

Criar peces en agua reciclada es factible y constituye el próximo gran paso en términos de piscicultura sostenible. Según los investigadores, la producción de pescado para consumo humano es posible en cualquier ciudad, sin repercusiones para los hábitats naturales y sin depender de la disponibilidad natural de agua dulce. El proyecto AWARE, financiado con fondos europeos, eliminará los obstáculos que impiden que la acuicultura con agua regenerada se convierta en una realidad europea. En concreto, el equipo de AWARE creará el primer caso de estudio europeo de acuaponía con agua regenerada en el municipio de Castellana Grotte (Apulia, Italia), gracias al empleo de sistemas de recirculación acuapónicos multitróficos. El objetivo final es crear una nueva cadena de valor de la granja a la mesa, que contribuya al crecimiento económico europeo y promueva el floreciente movimiento por los alimentos locales.


AWARE sets out to increase capacity to produce fish for human consumption at KM 0 in every European city, with no impact on natural habitats, no dependence from natural freshwater availability, and high resiliency to climate change
This goal could be met by farming fish locally using reclaimed water. Europe lacks the regulatory and policy framework to allow such a value chain to take root, due also to the absence of compelling scientific evidence of safety, quality, economic feasibility, and social acceptability.
With AWARE, we want to remove the barriers preventing reclaimed water aquaculture from becoming a European reality. We will demonstrate seamless integration of our solutions in an aquaponic recirculation system (RAS) with IoT monitoring and automation technologies to improve its operation and overall sustainability metrics. We will create the first European case study for reclaimed water aquaponics in the town of Fasano (Puglia, Italy), where we will leverage the results of a pre-existing H2020 project on advanced wastewater treatment. With the case study, we will
- Demonstrate technical solutions for efficient and sustainable aquaponics from reclaimed wastewater
- Increase the circularity of wastewater as freshwater resource to be exploited where it is generated
- Create a new farm-to-fork value chain, contributing to European economic growth and to urban KM 0 farming
- Lay the ground for a new regulatory and policy framework in support of European aquaculture
The project will go as far as conducting human intervention (i.e. feeding tests) on a panel of volunteers to obtain evidence of safety and quality of the produced food. In parallel, it will develop a sustainable business model and strategy for the for the future upscaling of the pilot solution, including its application to other European communities and in international development projects. Our consortium includes a large network, one extra-european partner, and one international organisation


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 286 250,00
00131 Roma

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 286 250,00

Participantes (17)

Socios (3)