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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Connected Hubs in Ageing: Healthy Living to Protect Cerebrovascular Function

Descripción del proyecto

Portugal y Grecia se unen en la lucha contra las enfermedades cerebrovasculares mediante un estilo de vida saludable

El trabajo en equipo resulta fundamental para lograr el éxito de iniciativas complejas a gran escala, como la lucha contra el cambio climático o la salud pública. Los sistemas de innovación de cuádruple hélice subrayan la importancia de la participación de la sociedad en la investigación y la innovación al lado de los agentes científicos, políticos e industriales más tradicionales. El equipo del proyecto CHAngeing, financiado con fondos europeos, transformará, interconectará y reforzará los ecosistemas de excelencia basados en la cuádruple hélice de Portugal y Grecia, aumentando así la eficacia de las iniciativas de lucha contra las enfermedades cerebrovasculares (ECV). La atención se centrará en promover estilos de vida saludables basados en la dieta mediterránea para prevenir las ECV y en mejorar la salud de los pacientes que han sufrido un ictus a través de la rehabilitación basada en la tecnología.


Cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) represent a major public health burden in Europe, afflicting, in particular, Easter Widening Regions. By bringing together a multidisciplinary and cross-sector agenda, CHAngeing will transform and interconnect two quadruple helix-based excellence ecosystems located in southern Europe (Portugal and Greece). This will be accomplished by science-based interventions: 1) promoting healthy lifestyles supported by Mediterranean diet culture to prevent CVD; 2) improving health technology-based rehabilitation of stroke patients. The objectives of CHAngeing are aligned with call outcomes, are supported by the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) of both regions, and will contribute to deliver impact in both hubs and between hubs, in a synergistic manner: 1) reinforcing the excellence of both hubs as poles of attraction of new talents; 2) developing a common R&I strategy on ageing research, supported by action and investment plans; 3) promoting a culture of cross-sector fertilization in R&I and student’s training in both regions and across regions; 4) building strong links between research and business, filling innovation gaps and foster knowledge transfer and job creation; 5) implementing pilots and demonstrators towards healthy lifestyles and rehabilitation of stroke patients; 6) efficiently communicate, disseminate and exploit results of CHAngeing, ensuring high societal impact and long-term sustainability. The proposal encloses seven work packages: WP1- Coordination and management; WP2- Exploitation and sustainability (action and investment plans); WP3- R&I strategy; WP4- Advanced training and twinning; WP5- Connecting academia & business; WP6- Pilots & demonstrators; WP7- Communication, dissemination and societal impact. CHAngeing will be a catalyser of excellence synergistically supported by the success of established flagship projects in both regions, including Teaming for Excellence, ERA Chairs, Twinning, ERC’s, REGPOT, AAL and EIT Health


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 457 281,25
3004-531 Coimbra

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Continente Centro (PT) Região de Coimbra
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 457 281,25

Participantes (6)

Socios (1)