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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Sustainable structural sandwiches and hollow composites parts for automotive, boat and aerospace markets

Descripción del proyecto

Ingredientes sostenibles para estructuras ligeras de materiales compuestos

En el proyecto SUSPENS, financiado con fondos europeos, se desarrollarán resinas epoxi y de poliéster con hasta un 95 % de ingredientes de origen biológico mediante el empleo de nuevas formulaciones que permitan obtener un alto rendimiento en un ciclo corto. Estas resinas se combinarán con refuerzos sostenibles hechos con fibras naturales y reciclados para crear piezas sándwich. También se concebirán soluciones de reciclaje. Un innovador proceso de pirólisis utilizará el flujo de residuos generado por el proceso de transformación de fibra de carbono para optimizar el consumo de energía. Un proceso de solvólisis específico permitirá recuperar las resinas de origen biológico. El método se demostrará mediante la fabricación y recuperación de un paquete de baterías de coche, la cubierta y el casco de una embarcación de recreo y una aleta de aeronave. Un análisis holístico del ciclo de vida respaldará la demostración al cuantificar los beneficios sobre el impacto ambiental en el ciclo de la cuna a la cuna.


SUSPENS will develop a holistic approach, from bio-sourced and recycled materials to faster and lesser energy demanding processes, to produce sustainable composite structural parts, ensuring their manufacturability from the design conceptualization. This ambition is basically achieved by the R&D of the coupling bio/circular-materials and processes. SUSPENS will develop up to 95% bio-sourced thermoset resins, with formulations allowing fast cured manufacturing processes and properties adapted to high performance lightweight composite applications. To produce the parts, these resins will be combined with sustainable continuous reinforcing fibre such as natural based cellulose fibres, lignin-based CF, recycled CF staple yarn and continuous GF made from recycled GF for producing well engineered sandwich and hollow parts for transport industries. Some of these parts will be functionalised for added value and reduced assembling times. SUSPENS will also develop an innovative approach for sustainable, optimized energy reduced pyrolysis, using waste stream from the carbonization of precursors, reducing environmental impact of carbon fibre production. For the bio-epoxy, a specific solvolysis will be developed to separate the matrix from the fibres. SUSPENS will assess the valorisation of oil and organic components in these two recycling approaches to transform them into by-products. LCA and LCC studies will show that SUSPENS approaches, combining sustainable materials and processes, can reduce the CO2eq emissions at expected levels of about 40-50%. These achievements will be validated by producing three demonstrators with their respective business models: (1) automotive battery pack for electric vehicle, (2) sailing boat hull/deck and (3) aero-structure winglet part. SUSPENS results will pay-back in terms of lesser energy consumption and environmentally friendly products that can be recycled and expects to bring its assets to the market end of 2028.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 036 501,00
44340 Bouguenais

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Pays de la Loire Pays de la Loire Loire-Atlantique
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 036 501,00

Participantes (12)