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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

BlueMissionBANOS – supporting the Mission Ocean Lighthouse in the Baltic and North Sea basins

Description du projet

Embarquer les parties prenantes dans la Mission «Océan» de l’UE

La mission de l’UE «Restaurer nos océans et notre milieu aquatique d’ici à 2030» proposera des solutions concrètes pour protéger les écosystèmes et la biodiversité de l’UE, prévenir et éliminer la pollution et assurer la neutralité carbone et la circularité de l’économie bleue. La participation de plus en plus de parties prenantes est nécessaire à mesure que la Mission met en place des projets phares, des «parcs bleus» et des systèmes de connaissances numériques améliorés. Le projet BlueMissionBANOS, financé par l’UE, servira de médiateur et de courtier en connaissances afin d’inspirer, de faire participer et de soutenir les parties prenantes politiques, industrielles et scientifiques des bassins de la Baltique et de la mer du Nord (BANOS), dans le but de canaliser efficacement les ressources vers les objectifs de la Mission «Océan». Le consortium comprend des instituts de recherche actifs, des réseaux/groupes et des agences de financement et collaborera avec des structures régionales et de gouvernance.


The EU-Mission ‘Restore our Ocean, Seas and Waters by 2030’ is a new EU wide broad mobilization initiative, expected to bring concrete solutions to protect its ecosystems and biodiversity, prevent and eliminate pollution and turning the blue economy both carbon-neutral and circular. Substantial resources are made available to establish lighthouse projects, BlueParks and improved digital knowledge systems. These need to be matched with corresponding efforts by all stakeholders at national and regional scale. BlueMissionBANOS, BMB, has the ambition to act as an efficient facilitator and knowledge broker as to inspire, engage, and support stakeholders from politics, industry, science and the public across the BANOS area to channel resources effectively towards the Mission Ocean objectives. The BMB consortium gathers some of the most active research institutes, networks/clusters and funding agencies from the Baltic and North Sea sea-basin. Capitalizing on their past and ongoing activities, BMB partners will work with existing governance structures from regional up to transnational level within the BANOS area to design an effective, transparent, mutually-reinforcing interplay between them (WP2); support citizen engagement initiatives to align with the Mission’s objectives (WP3); accelerate the deployment of solutions through five innovation and demonstration cycles (WP4); develop a consistent monitoring framework to assess Mission performance including definition of baselines; key performance indicators and sources/methods to capture and analyse the relevant data (WP5); supported by a digital, interactive portal showcasing projects and services relevant to Mission deployment (WP6). To maximize effectiveness of available public and private funding opportunities and achieve critical mass for action, activities will be coordinated and communicated within BMB; including Lighthouse demonstrators, as well as with EU structures and EU wide projects (WP1).



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 481 750,00
10827 Berlin

Voir sur la carte

Berlin Berlin Berlin
Type d’activité
Coût total
€ 481 750,00

Participants (16)