Description du projet
Faciliter l’évaluation des stratégies d’adaptation au climat
Il est urgent de rendre les infrastructures critiques de l’Europe plus résistantes aux effets grandissants du changement climatique. Les méthodes actuelles d’évaluation des risques climatiques ne tiennent pas pleinement compte des complexités régionales ni des systèmes interdépendants. Il est donc nécessaire de trouver des moyens efficaces d’identifier les régions à risque afin d’élaborer des stratégies d’adaptation rentables. Le projet MIRACA, financé par l’UE, entend développer une boîte à outils d’aide à la décision qui aidera les autorités à évaluer et à mettre en œuvre des mesures d’adaptation au climat. Cette boîte à outils comprendra des analyses techniques et économiques des stratégies d’adaptation, un outil de travail pour les données, une visionneuse interactive en ligne et une évaluation des avantages pour la société. Elle sera testée dans cinq endroits différents, avec des infrastructures et des risques différents afin de confirmer son efficacité.
Europe’s critical infrastructure (CI) is at risk of failure due to natural hazards and rapid climate change, which can lead to major physical and economic damages. Existing methods for climate risk analysis are not tailored to the complexities of CI: they do not properly account for systems interdependencies, while also still containing key data gaps. Public authorities urgently need tools to pinpoint the risk-prone areas and to develop affordable adaptation strategies to enhance CI resilience.
The mission of the Multi-hazard Infrastructure Risk Assessment for Climate Adaptation (MIRACA) project is to catalyse and empower the implementation of adaptation measures for CI throughout Europe.
The MIRACA Consortium will develop an evidence-based decision-support toolkit, consisting of (i) a guidance on technical and economic appraisal of adaptation strategies, (ii) a technical decision-support workbench and (iii) an online interactive viewer. These will be based on a multi-hazard climate risk assessment framework that employs advanced new methods of data acquisition, which will fill critical gaps in knowledge of the vulnerability and costs of CI. New model capabilities will be developed to fully appraise the benefits for people and businesses of climate-resilient infrastructure systems.
We will demonstrate, validate, and promote the uptake of MIRACA’s research and innovation through five use cases. They cover a variety of locations, infrastructure types and natural hazards, and will allow public authorities and CI managers to test the effectiveness of adaptation solutions and to identify robust adaptation strategies. To propel transformative change, our methodologies will be made available through open-access datasets, model codes and online interactive visualisations. The toolkit will be implemented across Europe, most notably in regions and communities that are currently not well-prepared against future climate change and still confronted with data scarcity.
Champ scientifique
Not validated
Not validated
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
1081 HV Amsterdam