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MEthodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video GAmes procedures for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MEGASKILLS (MEthodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video GAmes procedures for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation)

Período documentado: 2023-02-01 hasta 2024-01-31

The MEGASKILLS project is situated within the dynamic intersection of education, technology, and the labor market, addressing the urgent need for the development of soft skills, or transversal competencies, in a rapidly evolving professional landscape. A key motivation behind MEGASKILLS is the recognition of a significant gap between the soft skill sets possessed by the workforce and those demanded by contemporary and future job markets, especially in technological-digital and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) sectors. This gap poses a critical challenge to both employability and sustainable economic growth within the European context.

In response, MEGASKILLS aims to pioneer an innovative, comprehensive framework for the cultivation, evaluation, and certification of essential soft skills through the utilization of commercial video games, AI, and machine learning technologies. This approach not only capitalizes on the widespread engagement with gaming but also addresses the need for scalable, effective training methodologies that resonate with a diverse range of learners.

The project's pathway to impact involves designing a universally applicable soft skills model, developing an intelligent software platform for soft skills assessment, and demonstrating these innovations within target groups. The outcome is expected to be a significant stride towards closing the employability gap, contributing to several EU policy priorities, such as enhancing digital literacy, promoting lifelong learning, and supporting the digital transformation of education.

The strategic integration of social sciences and humanities in MEGASKILLS ensures a comprehensive understanding of the changing skills landscape, facilitating the design of culturally sensitive and ethically grounded educational technologies.
Throughout its first year, the project consortium has:

- Developed key foundational documents like the Project Management Handbook and the Data Management Plan, ensuring best practices in project administration, data management, and ethics.
- Performed extensive analysis and reviews to create a unified soft skills framework, representing a significant step in standardizing soft skills for the 21st century.
- Selected and designed methodologies for the evaluation and training of soft skills using video games, focusing on empirical approaches.
- Started the development of an intelligent software platform for soft skills assessment, incorporating adaptive recommendation systems and blockchain technology for credentialing.
- Initiated comprehensive communication and dissemination strategies to engage with stakeholders and enhance project visibility.
The MEGASKILLS project aims to revolutionize the way soft skills are defined, assessed, and developed in both educational and labor markets. By bridging crucial gaps in the current state of the art, MEGASKILLS sets a new benchmark for soft skills training and evaluation through innovative use of commercial video games, supported by rigorous academic and policy analysis. u

Ambition and Progress Beyond State of the Art:
- Normalized Soft Skills Taxonomy: MEGASKILLS addresses the critical need for a unified soft skills taxonomy, recognized by significant entities like the WEF, by developing a common language of skills that fosters diversity and inclusivity in labour markets.
- Link between Soft Skills and Strategic Sectors: Unlike existing models, MEGASKILLS creates a direct correlation between key soft skills and specific job roles across sectors, enhancing the employability and adaptability of Europe's workforce amidst rapid market changes.
- Soft Skills Acquisition and Evaluation: Current methods for evaluating soft skills are often subjective; MEGASKILLS introduces an objective, data-driven approach leveraging commercial video games, setting the stage for a more reliable and scalable model of soft skills assessment.
- Video games as a valid tool for Soft Skills Evaluation and Training: Utilizing the neurocognitive development potential of video games, MEGASKILLS pioneers a method for soft skills training and evaluation that is both effective and engaging.

Potential Impacts:
The project's methodology proposes a disruptive leap in soft skills training, promising broad impacts:
- **Educational Innovation:** By aligning soft skills training with strategic sectors, MEGASKILLS enriches the curriculum of VET and AL education, promoting a holistic development approach that integrates STEM with creative and humanistic thinking.
- **Labor Market Resilience:** The project directly contributes to Europe's capacity for upskilling and reskilling, preparing the workforce for the challenges of an ever-evolving labor market landscape.
- **Accessibility and Affordability:** MEGASKILLS offers a scalable and inclusive approach to soft skills development, utilizing widely accessible video games to reach diverse populations.

Key Needs for Further Uptake:
To maximize the impact and ensure the successful adoption of MEGASKILLS’ methodologies, certain key areas require further attention:
- Validation and Standardization: Continuous research and testing to validate the effectiveness of video game-based training and assessment methods. Further development of standards and benchmarks for soft skills across sectors.
- Policy and Regulatory Support: Creation of supportive policies and frameworks that recognize and endorse the innovative credentials and assessment methods developed by MEGASKILLS.
- Partnerships and Collaboration: Strengthening collaborations between educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and policymakers to ensure the methodologies are fully integrated into training and recruitment processes.