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Is there a PERENNIAL future of agriculture?

Descripción del proyecto

Estudio de la transición a los cereales perennes

La producción de cultivos anuales tiene una gran importancia en el sistema alimentario mundial. Sin embargo, cada temporada, estos cultivos alteran los procesos agroecológicos y provocan problemas como, por ejemplo, la erosión del suelo, la pérdida de nutrientes y la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero procedentes de la maquinaria y el suelo. Los cereales perennes, en cambio, solo necesitan plantarse una vez y pueden cosecharse durante muchos años, lo que podría repercutir de forma positiva en la agricultura y las comunidades rurales y mejorar la adaptación al cambio climático. En el proyecto PERENNIAL, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación, se estudiará la viabilidad de la transición de los cereales anuales a los perennes. Su equipo efectuará un análisis en profundidad de la actual economía política de la agricultura, propondrá alternativas sostenibles y factibles a los monocultivos anuales y desarrollará una estrategia de transición bien estructurada.


PERENNIAL will investigate whether a shift from annual to perennial grain crops as the basis for food production is possible, and identify the major opportunities and obstacles for such a perennial revolution. Since the Neolithic Revolution the world food system has been dominated by annual crops (cereals, legumes, and oil seeds) covering 70% of global croplands. The use of annual plants disrupts agro-ecological processes every season, resulting in soil erosion, nutrient losses, and greenhouse gas emissions from machinery and soils. The costly practices of managing annuals, including a strong dependence on herbicides and mineral fertilisers, partly explain the high indebtedness and low returns in agriculture. A shift from annual to perennial grains that are planted once and harvested for many consecutive years, could revolutionise agriculture and revitalise rural society. It could solve problems associated with annuals and increase the potential for adaptation to climate change. Advances in plant breeding have shown that a shift to perennials is possible within a few decades, but it would challenge powerful vested interests. To investigate the prospects of a perennial revolution, we will: a) conduct a systematic critique of the current political economy of agriculture, b) suggest desirable, viable, and achievable perennial alternatives to annual monocultures, and c) develop a strategy for change. We complement social science expertise with that of plant breeding, agro-ecology, soil, and plant science. Social Fields Theory is applied to study the political economy of agriculture including the politics of seeds and agrochemicals and Soil Health theory to suggest alternatives. We then incorporate ecological feedbacks to develop an Agricultural Treadmill Theory and apply Transition Theory to study social change. Using mixed methods, we will conduct discourse analysis, network analysis, and modelling at multiple scales including farms, river basins, and jurisdictions.

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

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Régimen de financiación


Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 614 373,00
Paradisgatan 5c
22100 Lund

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Södra Sverige Sydsverige Skåne län
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 614 373,00

Beneficiarios (1)