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SEEDS OF BRAVERY: supporting Ukraine’s tech start-up scene and bringing it closer to the EU

Descrizione del progetto

Sostenere l’ecosistema dell’innovazione in Ucraina

All’indomani dell’invasione russa, le start-up ucraine e le PMI deep tech devono affrontare ostacoli di grande entità: l’interruzione delle catene di approvvigionamento, l’instabilità economica e le tensioni geopolitiche hanno infatti esercitato un forte impatto sulle loro attività. Alla luce delle difficoltà insite nell’ecosistema dell’innovazione ucraino, è indispensabile intervenire urgentemente per evitare battute d’arresto irreversibili. In questo contesto, il progetto UASEEDs, finanziato dal CEI, mira a rafforzare questo ecosistema e a promuoverne la crescita per incentivare la «nazione delle start-up». Attraverso una serie di servizi di supporto, tra cui finanziamenti a cascata, azioni di accesso ai finanziamenti, programmi di incubazione e accelerazione e iniziative di accesso al mercato in tutta Europa, UASEEDs si rivolge a circa 1 000 innovatori e PMI mettendo in piedi uno sforzo che non solo fornisce un sostegno vitale, ma avvicina anche l’innovazione ucraina ai mercati e alle parti interessate a livello globale.


Based on a detailed analysis of the situation of UA Innovation Ecosystem after Russian invasion, partners (6 Ukrainian partners and 16 partners from 12 other EU member States with an extensive outreach capacity spanning across key EU and global markets) have put together a proposal aimed at providing support to counteract the harm done to Ukrainian startups and deep tech SMEs in the short term, building a framework that supports the Ukrainian Government’s goal of becoming a ‘start-up nation’, and increasing the role of innovators and the deep tech industry in driving growth. This will be achieved through a comprehensive portfolio of support services that combine cascade funding (10k-25k-50k grants), access to finance actions (connecting to public funds and private investors, training on EIC, EIT and other cascading opportunities etc.), deep-tech-focused incubation and acceleration programmes, and market access initiatives (targeting 10+ countries, soft landing in 10 key sectors/verticals, and working spaces in 50+ locations across Europe). Pan-European integration – which brings UA innovation closer to investors, accelerators, potential buyers, innovation agencies and peers - will also be a key component of this project. The Consortium is led by FBA (PL-based and leader of FSTP management) with key support from USF, Ukraine’s public agency to support SMEs, which will invest its own resources and guarantee synergies with UA. Other partners key to guarantee services delivery and wide impact are: EITH (KICs), PNP (investors), LXI (EU innovation stakeholders), CORKBIC (BIC network), IHS (Impact Hub Network), IOP (EEN in UA). Circa 1,000 innovators, start-ups and deep tech SMEs located in UA or created by Ukrainian citizens in other EU countries after 24.02.2022 will benefit from said support, with at least 400 expected to gain a mix of financial and non-financial support, and many others expected to access non-financial support while seeking other sources of funding.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 13 423 187,50

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Makroregion województwo mazowieckie Warszawski stołeczny Miasto Warszawa
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
€ 13 657 625,00

Partecipanti (18)

Partner (2)