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High-throughput Optimization for Indoor Organic Photovoltaic Energy Systems

Descrizione del progetto

Una sperimentazione per l’ottimizzazione del sistema energetico fotovoltaico organico

L’espansione e la crescita dell’Internet delle cose hanno generato un maggiore interesse per diverse tecnologie innovative, tra cui gli accumulatori autonomi di energia esterna alla rete, come i dispositivi fotovoltaici organici. Queste soluzioni sono solitamente adatte a fonti di energia interne, come le luci artificiali presenti all’interno degli edifici. Con il sostegno del programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, il progetto HOPES si propone di sfruttare i progressi compiuti nel settore del fotovoltaico organico, tra cui l’aumento dell’efficienza di conversione dell’energia, per stabilire una metodologia volta alla sperimentazione ad alto rendimento sui dispositivi fotovoltaici organici mediante l’impiego di una fonte di luce autonoma e controllabile. Grazie a questo processo sperimentale, i ricercatori studieranno i materiali e raggiungeranno rapidamente la più elevata efficienza di conversione dell’energia possibile per i dispositivi di tal tipo da impiegare in ambienti interni. In definitiva, il progetto migliorerà le competenze possedute dai ricercatori.


Recently, the growing popularity of internet of things (IoT) applications has garnered substantial interest in autonomous off-grid energy harvesters such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs) from indoor-available energy sources namely artificial lights. The success of IoT will rely on avoiding battery maintenance for the billions of sensors postulated to be deployed, using available renewable energy at deployment for powering the sensors. The discovery of novel organic materials and diverse device strategies led to a big leap in the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of OPVs up to 31% under indoor lights. Despite the augmented usefulness of indoor OPVs with record performance, several challenges thus far need to be attempted. The High-throughput optimization for indoor Organic Photovoltaic Energy Systems (HOPES) project introduces a novel concept of combining advanced high-throughput experimentation techniques with a standalone tunable light source. HOPES is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary and includes the development of highly efficient indoor OPVs along with the scale-up property that is, integration of IoT devices with the high-performance OPV. In HOPES, the researcher will implement a computer-controlled light emitting source to achieve a desirable light spectrum by exploring a large library of illumination spectra. This will lead to achieving the highest possible PCE (> 40%) for a given OPV system. The traditional experimental techniques cannot meet the recent progress of indoor OPVs owing to their limitations of time and workforce. Thus, HOPES will explore a variety of materials at an unbeaten pace by combinatorial screening to reach the highest PCE in indoor OPVs. The researcher’s experience with the indoor OPVs will be combined with the host supervisor’s expertise in high-throughput experimentation to successfully implement HOPES. The advanced training gained during HOPES implementation will contribute to excelling the researcher's professional career.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 181 152,96
28006 Madrid

Mostra sulla mappa

Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partner (1)