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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Young Children of Disadvantaged Families: A Comprehensive Analysis of Parental Human Capital Investment and Child Health

Descrizione del progetto

Colmare le disparità sanitarie che svantaggiano i bambini vulnerabili

In un mondo che aspira a raggiungere lo sviluppo sostenibile, garantire il benessere di neonati e bambini rimane una preoccupazione di fondamentale importanza. Sebbene l’UE sostenga da tempo società a misura di bambino, persistono disparità nell’accesso all’assistenza sanitaria essenziale, in particolare tra i gruppi vulnerabili come i bambini migranti privi di documenti e quelli in condizioni di povertà. Con il sostegno del programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, il progetto YouCDF metterà in luce l’assenza di una copertura sanitaria universale per i bambini migranti irregolari, esplorando le sfide socioeconomiche che i loro genitori devono affrontare. Il progetto analizzerà il profondo impatto esercitato dall’investimento dei genitori nella salute dei bambini attraverso la lente dell’economia sanitaria, in un ambito che racchiude test empirici e approfondimenti politici. Nell’affrontare il pressante problema della scarsità di investimenti destinati alla salute dei bambini, YouCDF propone strategie per sostenere i soggetti vulnerabili e colmare le disparità.


Promoting new-born and children’s health is a policy priority for sustainable development and the EU takes action to “promote inclusive and child-friendly societies, health and education systems” (Thematic area 2 of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child). Nevertheless, within country differences exist in children’s access to essential health care especially among the vulnerable groups of undocumented migrants and children living in poverty. An obvious obstacle for access to health care for the irregular migrants is lack of universal health coverage. Another significant determinant of restricted health care utilization of these vulnerable children is the challenges associated to the socioeconomic status of the parents. There is little research to show methods to eliminate the health risks associated to displaced children and children living in poverty and to integrate them into the European health system. The overall goal of YouCDF is to provide a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the amount, types and short- and long-term consequences of parental investment to children from the perspective of health economics. YouCDF will:
-investigate the extent to which the limitations in the household level (restricted financial resources available to the main caregivers) could be compensated by a universal health care system,
-test the empirical implications of the model,
- inform policy makers about the potential risks to the public health system caused by underinvestment to children, and related inequalities.
YouCDF addresses one of the potential public health challenges for Turkey and the EU: The number of children who have limited access to nutritious food increases as a result of hosting refugee children from Syria and facing increased food prices due to the war in Ukraine.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 171 521,28
34469 Maslak, Istanbul

Mostra sulla mappa

İstanbul İstanbul İstanbul
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partner (1)