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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Nomad MAnagement of Urban Development. The complex value of temporary communities

Descripción del proyecto

Redefinir los espacios «vacíos» en las ciudades europeas

Las ciudades europeas afrontan un dilema de despilfarro: grandes espacios vacíos yuxtapuestos a tendencias cambiantes que favorecen una vida urbana flexible. Los espacios vacíos de las ciudades representan un potencial desaprovechado y un despilfarro de recursos valiosos. Pero a medida que se impone la vida flexible y evolucionan los paisajes urbanos, aumentan los nómadas urbanos, personas que adoptan formas de vida y trabajo transitorias. Los nómadas urbanos representan una comunidad floreciente que abraza la transitoriedad. Sin embargo, a pesar de su papel en la regeneración, sus valores urbanos siguen siendo enigmáticos. Con el apoyo de las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, el equipo del proyecto NOMAD pretende poner de relieve su impacto a través de casos pioneros como Stad in de Maak y Communa. Se emplea un método interdisciplinar, talleres móviles y cartografía multimedia para revelar el potencial oculto de estos cambios urbanos dinámicos.


Empty and vacant spaces constitute a significant waste of resources in European cities. At the same time, ways of inhabiting cities are changing and becoming more flexible. In this context, urban nomads are people who experiment with temporary ways of living and working, inhabit places for a short period of time and eventually have to move.
The research “NOMAD - NOmad MAnagement of urban Development. The value of temporary communities” intends to explore and operationalise the urban values produced by temporary uses.
Currently, local communities' well-being is increasingly promoted by European policies and the New European Bauhaus. Temporary uses are realized by different kinds of urban communities in urban regeneration processes.
But, although they generate urban values, the values they produce for urban development are still not evident.
The main objectives of the research are to identify the urban values of temporary communities and to boost temporary reuse practices through a value-driven approach.
For this purpose, NOMAD will focus on the significant experience of two pioneer cases Stad in de Maak in Rotterdam and Communa in Brussels.
The research will follow a cross-disciplinary approach to get the Nomadic Urban Values (NUV) generated by the temporary uses, by changing the urban atmosphere and the urban ecosystem services. The field research and workshops will be conducted in a van, both for the field research, and for the dissemination.
The research will consist of two phases. The first phase includes the NUV monitor and map, collecting people's perceptions, sounds, images and statistical information, that will be analysed and collected in multimedia maps.
The second phase of the research will involve the NOMAD catalogue and platform, collecting nomadic practices in a catalogue of temporary reuse alternatives, and a platform with multimedia maps and results to facilitate different stakeholders in temporary use planning.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 187 624,32
2628 CN Delft
Países Bajos

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
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