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Solving holographic CFTs through the synergy of integrability and conformal bootstrap.

Descripción del proyecto

Integrabilidad y el «bootstrap» conforme: una aproximación no perturbativa a las teorías de campo conformes

La correspondencia de espacio anti-de Sitter / teoría de campos conformes (AdS/CFT ) es uno de los resultados más importantes de la teoría de cuerdas, pues señala las dualidades (holográficas) entre las teorías que incorporan la gravedad y las que no. A pesar de los numerosos logros, nuestra comprensión teórica de este modelo se limita principalmente al régimen perturbativo, en el que las cantidades desconocidas se calculan como pequeñas deformaciones de las conocidas. El equipo del proyecto Bootstrability, que cuenta con el apoyo de las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, aprovechará la integrabilidad y el «bootstrap» conforme para acceder —por primera vez sin teoría de perturbaciones— a los datos de la CFT de las dos CFT holográficas que se encuentran detrás de los paradigmas mejor establecidos de la correspondencia AdS/CFT: las teorías supersimétricas N=4 de Yang-Mills y Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena.


This proposal will develop innovative methods to access for the first time at non perturbative level the conformal field theory data of the two holographic conformal field theories that provides the best-established paradigms of the AdS/CFT correspondence: N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) and ABJM. This goal can be obtained combining the techniques of the conformal bootstrap, both in its analytical and numerical approaches, with integrability. Such methods proved to be very efficient when applied by themselves, and their complementary usage is the main novelty of this project. Considering that integrability provides a set of conformal data (the scaling dimensions), the plan is to use this piece of information as an input for the conformal bootstrap to compute the remaining set of data (structure constants).
A strongly interdisciplinary approach, combining analytical and numerical conformal bootstrap together with the most advanced integrability methods, will be adopted to overcome the existing difficulties and compute those quantities. This will be possible thanks to the critical convergence of the expertise of the two supervising mentors and the researcher on different aspects of bootstrap and integrability. A crucial role will be played by novel techniques developed in recent years by the researcher. The new methods resulting from this action are expected to have a wide applicability, allowing the study of general correlation functions and to lead to quantitative answers to outstanding questions on AdS/CFT. The training plan is designed to boost significantly the researcher's scientific skills, as well as his teaching abilities with the delivery of two PhD level courses. The action involves a strong dissemination and outreach plan including scientific divulgation, a public lecture and the creation of a website/repository hosting permanent open-access resources for the scientific community, which will greatly facilitate further studies of holographic theories.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 265 099,20
10124 Torino

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Nord-Ovest Piemonte Torino
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Socios (1)