Descripción del proyecto
Un estudio más detallado de las fortalezas fronterizas otomanas
El Mediterráneo oriental guarda los secretos de antiguas fortalezas fronterizas, testigos mudos del dominio otomano. A pesar de su importancia histórica para la defensa, el desarrollo socioeconómico y la geopolítica, estas ciudades-fortaleza del Peloponeso, Chipre y Creta siguen rodeadas de misterio. El proyecto SEABORD, que cuenta con el apoyo de las acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, tiene por objeto arrojar luz sobre ellas. Para ello, se llevará a cabo una investigación exhaustiva mediante el estudio de archivos y el trabajo de campo, que se verá facilitado por el empleo de herramientas digitales avanzadas. Para compartir el patrimonio cultural europeo y fomentar su conocimiento, el equipo del proyecto creará un museo digital, publicará artículos y presentará una monografía a fin de que estas reliquias del pasado encuentren su voz en el mundo moderno.
SEABORD will explore the frontier fortresses of Eastern Mediterranean in a comparative perspective in order to assign their role in defence, socio-economic development and geo-political considerations during the Ottoman rule. This research will focus on fortress-towns of Peloponnese, Cyprus and Crete, considering their similar historical trajectory in establishing Ottoman sea borders in the Eastern Mediterranean. This project will be based on a research conducted and collected qualitative data in various archives (in Istanbul, Athens, London, Vienna and Nantes), and on other primary sources, and on-site fieldwork facilitated by advanced digital tools and methods. Combining use of unpublished archival material with development of new digital reproductions (3D images, GIS based maps), this research offers an innovative approach to share and engage with cultural heritage in Europe. Main outcomes of this project will be a monograph, conference papers (will be published in edited collective volumes or as journal articles), and a digital museum, which will contribute to disseminate the project results in a wider audience. During two years period of the MSCA European Fellowship (EP), the researcher will base her research and training activities at Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC), at the Cyprus Institute (Cyl). As part of her fellowship, she intends to complete a 3-month secondment at the Department of History and Archaeology, at the University of Crete, to enhance her training and expand her research. Overall, this project aims address a significant societal challenge, primarily resulting from derision of systematic research on such monuments during the Ottoman rule in Greece, and elsewhere in Europe in general. Thus, dissemination, communication and outreach activities are designed fulfilling this aim promoting research on fortresses and castles, and other examples of built military heritage of the Ottoman past in Europe.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
Régimen de financiación
HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-PF-EF - HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European FellowshipsCoordinador
2121 Nicosia