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EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025

Description du projet

Relever les défis de la mobilité urbaine

Les défis de la durabilité, de l’adaptation au climat et de la création d’emplois sont passés au premier plan du paysage animé de la mobilité urbaine. Dans ce contexte, le projet EITUM-BP23-25, financé par l’UE, se propose de transformer les espaces urbains en havres de paix durables. Le projet sert de feuille de route à l’accomplissement de cette mission en abordant stratégiquement les questions urgentes. En mettant en avant trois domaines clés (cultiver les talents, encourager l’innovation et faire progresser les start-ups), le plan d’affaires 2023-2025 s’aligne sur l’agenda stratégique 2021-2027 de l’EIT Urban Mobility. Il met l’accent sur un modèle de partenariat ouvert réunissant chaque année 200 partenaires actifs, qui travaillent de concert pour atteindre des objectifs ambitieux. La stratégie s’articule autour de neuf domaines d’action dérivés des défis urbains, qui orientent l’innovation vers une influence sociétale, écologique et économique maximale.


At EIT Urban Mobility (EIT UM), our mission is to accelerate change towards a sustainable mobility model for liveable urban spaces. All our activities serve the three societal impact goals of improving quality of life in cities, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and creating jobs that strengthen the European urban mobility sector. The Business Plan (BP) 2023-2025 is the main tool to drive forward the implementation of our Strategic Agenda 2021-2027. The activities described in this BP are oriented along three intervention areas: bringing talent to business, bringing innovations to the market, and bringing startups to scale. In line with these, this BP aims to leverage on the new partnership model introduced in 2022 which prioritises openness and accessibility of the network to reach impact goals with a strong community of over 200 active partners per year. Nine Challenge Areas stemming from city challenges are prioritized within this BP to provide topical direction and enable the highest innovation potential with maximum societal, ecological, and economic impact. In parallel to delivering on impact, we aim to boost our programme elements towards becoming financially sustainable. After testing various revenue mechanisms in 2021 and 2022, we are putting a stronger focus on equity as a substantive revenue stream. Furthermore, partnership growth will be boosted across all regions and with a focus on a steep growth of participating SMEs. Finally, alternative funding sources such as bidding for EU and national funding will be ramped up, and private sponsors for pilots will be attracted. Overall, the BP2023-2025 takes a substantial step on EIT UM’s path towards becoming a social impact investor. It fosters both – efficiency in the delivery of the Financial Sustainability strategy as well as the creation of social impact through strong efforts in implementing the EIT and KIC Impact Frameworks – and by that guides EIT UM towards achieving our mission.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 125 837 620,18
08018 Barcelona

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 140 757 881,48

Participants (6)