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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem

Descripción del proyecto

Un nuevo método para salvaguardar la biodiversidad del mar Báltico

En una carrera contrarreloj, la región del mar Báltico se enfrenta al reto de duplicar sus zonas marinas protegidas para cumplir el ambicioso objetivo de la estrategia de biodiversidad de la Unión Europea. Tras 30 años en los que se ha logrado una cobertura de entre el 14 % y el 17 %, y con una protección estricta casi inexistente, el reloj sigue corriendo para alcanzar el 30 % en tan solo 8 años. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el equipo del proyecto PROTECT BALTIC, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende mejorar estratégicamente la red existente. Esta iniciativa transfronteriza establecerá una base de datos sin parangón, un marco de protección acordado a escala regional y un apoyo concreto para colmar las lagunas en los esfuerzos de protección y restauración. PROTECT BALTIC se ha propuesto redefinir la protección de las marismas del mar Báltico para garantizar un futuro sostenible a su biodiversidad única.


The EU Biodiversity Strategy (BDS) requires expanding the spatial coverage of marine protected areas to 30%, with 10% strict protection. Achieving the current 14-17% coverage has taken the Baltic Sea region 30 years, and strict protection remains almost non-existent. To meet the BDS target the countries will have to double the coverage in just 8 years. To fully capitalize on the added value of increased coverage, designation, management and measures, including restoration, need to be done in a strategic, ecologically relevant way focusing on areas and measures which enhance the existing network and optimise the possibility to secure positive biodiversity outcomes.
There are however substantial challenges facing the region when it comes to leveraging the full potential of upcoming protection and restoration efforts and ultimately, positive biodiversity outcomes, especially in such a tight timeframe.

To ensure that the upcoming efforts are both effective and efficient, this transboundary, network level, biogeographical region scale project will:
- develop infrastructure for, and ensure long term access to, an unparalleled data driven, ecoregion scale, evidence base to support strategic planning, measures and management;
- develop a blue print for, and establish, a data driven, regionally agreed protection framework to improve governance and transboundary cooperation, including politically agreed shared conservation and restoration objectives, targets etc to reach the desired state;
- identify the current baseline of protection efforts across the entire sea basin.
- cross-reference the desired state with the current baseline to identify gaps in protection and restoration efforts;
- provide concrete and replicable support to ensure capacity for the Baltic Sea MS to strategically fill the gaps, harmonise, and achieve the full potential of the protection and restoration efforts.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 635 612,50
00160 Helsinki

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo de actividad
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 2 635 826,25

Participantes (16)