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Digital Assembly 2023

Project description

Annual assembly on digital transition and cybersecurity

Sweden, holder of the Council of the European Union’s presidency for the first half of 2023, and the European Commission will host the 2023 edition of the Digital Assembly on a digital, secure and open Europe. The EU-funded DA23 project will focus on the opportunities offered by Europe’s digital transformation and the possibilities for innovation, growth and competitiveness on a global scale for a digital and open Europe. The organisers are convinced that during the Digital Decade Europe has the potential to develop technological leadership and become a competitive digital single market, based on a strong focus on cybersecurity. The conference will constitute a forum for dialogue on the possibilities for a digital, open and secure Europe, tackling new challenges in the Digital Decade.


The Digital Assembly is an annual event hosted by the European Commission and the holder of the spring presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is a forum to address important issues of the digital transition. The Digital Assembly of 2023 (DA23) will be hosted by the Swedish presidency at Scandinavian XPO during Q2 2023.

The Swedish Presidency seeks to build a conference program that addresses current EU initiatives as well as ongoing debates on the conference theme. Thus, the conference will provide an opportunity to showcase the status and potential of initiatives within the Digital Decade, the EU Cyber Security Strategy as well as the Twin transitions. The Swedish Presidency also aims to build upon related conversations previously held within the Troika, such as the Digital Assembly 2022 conference in Toulouse and the conference EU Secure and Innovative Digital Future held in Prague 2022. However, given the quickly changing discursive context within which the conference will be situated, the project management will closely follow the development in related fields and tailor the program accordingly.

Objective 1: To stimulate the European discourse on the EUs digital transition and cyber security by providing a platform for multistakeholder dialogue.

The target group for DA23 is government officials, regulators, private sector representatives and the academia. Non-governmental organisations will also be approached to contribute their perspective on the topic at hand. EU Commissioners and the Troika ministers in the European Union responsible for digital issues will be invited, as well as high-level business and public policy decisionmakers. By bringing together a multitude of stakeholder in a quad helix constellation the project will stimulate debate, collaboration and innovation on the conference theme.


Net EU contribution
€ 500 000,00
103 33 Stockholm

See on map

Östra Sverige Stockholm Stockholms län
Activity type
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Total cost
€ 1 058 450,00