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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Sustainable renewable energy VALUE chains for answering FARMers’ needs

Descripción del proyecto

Sembrar las semillas de una agricultura más resiliente en el futuro

El sector agrario europeo se encuentra en una coyuntura crítica, enfrentado a la urgente necesidad de liberarse de su dependencia de los combustibles fósiles. Para ajustarse a los ambiciosos objetivos del Pacto Verde Europeo, resulta necesario un cambio hacia las tecnologías de energías renovables. En este sentido, el equipo del proyecto VALUE4FARM, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende revolucionar las prácticas agrarias e impulsar la desfosilización de la agricultura. Al responder a las diversas necesidades energéticas de los agricultores locales en ámbitos como la electricidad, la calefacción, la movilidad, los residuos y la gestión del suelo, en el proyecto se establecerán tres cadenas de valor locales basadas en las energías renovables y centradas en el biogás. El objetivo del proyecto, que reúne a investigadores y pymes, es crear soluciones energéticas sostenibles y fomentar la circularidad mediante la recuperación de nutrientes.


In order to defossilise the agricultural sector in line with the EU Green Deal, the local incorporation of renewable energy technologies matching local farmers’ needs in terms of electricity, heat, mobility, waste and land management is key. In this context, the VALUE4FARM project will gather 14 partners (including 7 research-oriented partners, 3 SMEs and 3 associations) in a 42-month project to demonstrate at TRL6-7 the effectiveness, sustainability and replicability of three renewable-based local value chains based on biogas, and coupling sustainable food and renewable-energy production. In Denmark, add-ons to the traditional biomethane pathway will be brought for answering the local specificities of large-scale farms. In Belgium, a pathway towards better use of already-existing residual streams will be demonstrated for efficient production of electricity/heat and fuel, thus answering mobility needs for small-scale farms. In Italy, hybridisation compatibilities will be investigated towards the creation of an efficient off-grid biomethane plant. Sustainable agricultural crop protocols will be developed, based on at least 200 farmers’ specifications, meeting the challenges of the agricultural sector, while matching renewable energy production. All value chains will promote circularity through nutrient recovery.

The uptake of the demonstrated value chains will be facilitated by a strong involvement of farmers from the very beginning of the project. Three replication sites in Iceland, Italy and Poland have already been selected in the project. The assessment of the economic, environmental and social benefits of the VALUE4FARM value chains will be widely shared and disseminated to relevant stakeholders. In particular, to encourage the wider farming community across Europe to benefit from producing both food and energy from their land and showcasing the lessons learnt in the demonstration sites, an online decision support tool will be made available in open-access.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 348 341,25

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. West-Vlaanderen Arr. Roeselare
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 348 341,25

Participantes (11)

Socios (2)