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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Towards a connected history of population, environmental change, capital and conflict in Russian Eurasia, 1860s-1920s

Descripción del proyecto

Entender el crecimiento demográfico y el cambio ambiental en el norte de Eurasia

El territorio del antiguo Imperio ruso, en el norte de Eurasia, experimentó un rápido crecimiento demográfico y una gran movilidad poblacional entre los años 1860 y 1920. En el proyecto Land Limits, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación, se examinará la compleja relación entre este crecimiento demográfico y diferentes tipos de cambios ambientales en ese periodo. A través de una amplia investigación histórica en cinco naciones actuales, el equipo del proyecto pretende determinar las repercusiones de gran calado del aumento de la población en el uso del suelo y la explotación de los recursos en diferentes zonas climáticas, que abarcan desde la zona subártica a la subtropical. De este modo, se revelarán los vínculos entre el cambio ambiental, el desarrollo económico y la aparición de conflictos y, gracias a ello, se redefinirá la comprensión de la economía tardoimperial y de la violencia comunitaria y estatal durante este periodo transformador de transición política.


Land Limits is a ground-breaking environmental history that explores the ecological impact of population growth in Eurasia, from the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 to the close of the civil war in the early 1920s: a period of unprecedented mobility and demographic flux. It redefines the field of late imperial Russian and early Soviet history by challenging assumptions that in a sparsely populated political territory stretching across a sixth of the world’s surface, population pressures occurred only in the agrarian provinces of what was then ‘European Russia’. Instead, it proposes relocating to the empire’s borderlands, and conceptualizing the empire as multiple geographically-disparate but ecologically-interconnected regions: an innovative method of analysing a political entity that usually resists holistic critical enquiry. Via a programme of nuanced, critical historical research conducted in libraries and archives across five nation states, the project seeks to understand both intellectual and material dimensions of the relationship between population pressure and anthropogenic environmental change, and then interrogates the implications of these ecological shifts. It suggests that as increased populations created changes in land use and resource exploitation, so these new patterns became both the motor of economic growth via local, national and global networks of labour, capital and commodities, and the fulcrum around which various forms of conflict emerged, as land and resources became limited, contested and politicised. These were vital forces that transformed borderlands and became key factors in the violent collapse of the empire and the evolution of the early Soviet state. In doing so, the project redefines scholarly debates on the nature of economic growth and of state and community violence in the late imperial period, by restoring the environment as a vital category in exposing the complex causalities that connected migration, capital and conflict.

Régimen de financiación


Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 499 978,00
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 499 978,00

Beneficiarios (1)