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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Certification for Cybersecurity in EU ICT using Decentralized Digital Twinning

Descrizione del progetto

Unificare gli standard di cibersicurezza per il futuro

Nel complesso e mutevole campo delle sfide odierne alla cibersicurezza, le industrie europee lottano con la mancanza di standard unificati che le rende vulnerabili alle minacce in evoluzione. L’assenza di un approccio coesivo ostacola gli sforzi per salvaguardare le infrastrutture critiche, in particolare nell’ambito dell'informatica quantistica e dell’Industria 4.0. In risposta a questo problema urgente, il progetto COBALT, finanziato dall’UE, ha proposto una soluzione visionaria. Introducendo il Modello comune di certificazione (CCM), COBALT intende creare un solido quadro di riferimento per la cibersicurezza, superando i confini del settore e fortificando il panorama digitale europeo contro le minacce emergenti. Questa iniziativa è trasversale a diversi settori industriali, integrando gli spazi dati internazionali e promuovendo lo scambio di informazioni affidabili, fondamentale per la certificazione della cibersicurezza tra i diversi settori. La visione di COBALT è quella di una soluzione decentralizzata, adattabile e resiliente.


COBALT proposes the introduction of a Common Certification Model (CCM) for European industries, leveraging existing standards and composing a unified cybersecurity namespace for ICT processes. The proposal will uphold the paradigm of Digital Twinning (DT) via the creation of Digital Threads and extend it in a vertical agnostic approach across different industries, including Quantum computing (involving FHG’s Quantum Computer) and I4.0. The COBALT DT will explore technology disruption mainly focusing on AI and High-Performance Computing (HPC) via the analysis and certification of Quantum Processing Oracles (a Quantum Computer exposure operation that is used as input to another algorithm), and how different enablers of these paradigms can be certified in a vertical agnostic manner. Quantum is destined to play a pivotal role in Europe’s AI and Computing sovereignty, thus protecting such infrastructure and its relevant processes (Quantum Oracles), should be of top priority.
Along with common information models, COBALT acknowledges the importance of trusted information exchange a critical feature for an effective certification process across different industries, especially regarding cybersecurity. Therefore, COBALT will focus on the integration of International Data Spaces (IDS) primitives as a basis for the data sharing platform across different stakeholders. IDS currently proposes different models and procedures to share information and data across different spaces in a trusted manner between two parties, this can facilitate the process to build a trusted end-to-end certification framework across different industry stakeholders.
Finally, COBALT aims to build a decentralized solution to further accelerate technology adoption and harmonization for the different use cases to be adopted. For the proposed CCM to function as a long term and sustainable European solution for certification, it needs to adapt and flex according to different environment conditions.

Parole chiave

Meccanismo di finanziamento

HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation Actions


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 504 375,00
15341 Agia Paraskevi

Mostra sulla mappa

Αττική Aττική Βόρειος Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 504 375,00

Partecipanti (13)