Descripción del proyecto
Un sistema de control innovador para la detección de mercancías ilegales
Las autoridades aduaneras necesitan tecnologías de inspección portátiles, rentables y fiables para combatir el tráfico de mercancías ilegales. Los métodos convencionales de inspección por rayos X son caros y laboriosos. Además, solo permiten inspeccionan una pequeña parte de los contenedores, que suele ser de menos del 5 %. En el proyecto METEOR, financiado con fondos europeos, se está desarrollando un sistema portátil y versátil de inspección por muestreo del aire que podría ayudar a las autoridades aduaneras de todo el mundo a detectar mercancías ilegales con rapidez. La tecnología METEOR cuenta con un innovador detector de análisis de carga que emplea técnicas de muestreo de aire de alta eficacia y tecnología de detección multianálisis de movilidad iónica. Utiliza un detector de movilidad diferencial multianálisis para crear un perfil químico de las muestras, que después se procesa con técnicas de cribado no selectivo para detectar posibles amenazas, como drogas ilegales y explosivos.
Safe and legal global transport is essential to human welfare, but it demands that customs authorities implement security regulations with a special focus on illicit goods. To enable enforcement of regulations tackling illicit goods trafficking, customs authorities have expressed their need for portable, affordable, non-intrusive, reliable screening technologies aiming to facilitate on-site and rapid inspections.
The current technologies are mainly based on X-ray screening, but have its limitations in detecting illicit goods, are very expensive and the process is time consuming. This makes that currently less than 5% of the containers may be inspected, which is undesirable for customs authorities and society.
In the METEOR project, the consortium will develop a prototype of a portable and versatile air sampling-based screening system. This will enable customs administrations worldwide to rapidly and reliably inspect for the presence of illicit goods. The METEOR technology will provide a new concept of cargo screening detector with a highly efficient air sampling technique and the ion mobility multidetector sensing technology.
The METEOR analyser relies on a very innovative concept of a multi-detector differential mobility analyser (DMA), that classifies molecular ions based upon their electrical mobility. This generates a chemical fingerprint of the samples, and after the processing with non-targeted screening techniques, it is possible to accurately classify and detect the threats. The focus will be on the detection of illicit drugs, but also explosives and other substances. The goal is to develop the METEOR technology up to TRL7, and validate it in the operational environment. This is done by the four customs administrations (The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Ireland) involved in the project, that cover some of the main ports in Europe.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation ActionsCoordinador
2400 Mol