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Maglev-Derived Systems for Rail

Descripción del proyecto

Revolucionar el transporte ferroviario europeo con sistemas derivados de la levitación magnética

Las redes ferroviarias europeas se encuentran en una encrucijada y afrontan retos de eficiencia, sostenibilidad y seguridad. En este sentido, el equipo del proyecto MaDe4Rail, financiado con fondos europeos, explora sistemas innovadores derivados de la levitación magnética (MDS, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta ambiciosa iniciativa pretende evaluar la viabilidad de introducir la MDS en Europa y mejorar la sostenibilidad y eficiencia del transporte ferroviario, a la vez que fomenta el intercambio de conocimientos entre un grupo diverso de expertos. Además, el equipo de MaDe4Rail realizará análisis de riesgos, normalizará las medidas de seguridad y protección y evaluará la viabilidad económica de integrar la MDS en la red de movilidad europea. En la agenda figuran también el desarrollo de una hoja de ruta europea y la creación de conceptos y prototipos de subsistemas de vehículos de MDS.


The MaDe4Rail project aims to explore non-traditional and emerging maglev-derived systems (MDS) and to evaluate the technical feasibility and effectiveness to introduce MDS in Europe under safety aspects and technical-economic performance.
Identification and benchmarking of the different maglev-derived technologies for transportation systems and their state of development, definition of a common architecture and specification of the subsystems and technologies needed for its commercialization are expected in the MaDe4Rail Project. Moreover, a risk analysis and identification of needs for standardization on safety and security in operations of MDS will be performed. Also, the assessment of the technical and economic feasibility to introduce these systems into the common European mobility network will be implemented as well as the development of a European roadmap for the possible future implementation of MDS. Lastly, the design of the concept for an MDS vehicle subsystem and a prototype of a sample vehicle for a European use case are foreseen in this project.
The MaDe4Rail project is expected to have significant impacts such as contributing to the development of MDS, promoting more sustainable passenger and freight transport and initiating a path towards the reinforcement of railway as the backbone of a multimodal, sustainable and efficient mobility network by possibly, upgrading the existing railway lines/facilities through the adoption of a maglev-derived technology. Moreover, the project fosters information exchange and growth and diffusion of knowledge.
MaDe4Rail brings together a multidisciplinary group of experts from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of competences and expertise that would contribute to the success of the project such as Infrastructure Managers, Transport Authorities, Engineering and Consultancy Companies, Technological Developers and Research Centers and Universities.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 116 214,32
00161 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
Sin datos

Participantes (14)

Socios (1)