CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Hands-on Materials Science for Education


Die verborgene Welt des Kristallwachstums enthüllen

Kristalline Werkstoffe sind für das moderne Leben unentbehrlich, aber ihr Ursprung ist nur wenigen bekannt, wodurch viele Forschende die multidisziplinäre Natur der Kristallherstellung nicht kennen. In diesem Zusammenhang besteht das Ziel des ERC-finanzierten Projekts HANDSOME darin, die faszinierende Welt des Kristallwachstums auf verschiedenen Ebenen in die Lehrpläne zu integrieren. HANDSOME beginnt mit Konzepten wie Wärmeübertragung und Phasenumwandlung und gestaltet so die Wissenschaft für alle zugänglich. Mit dem innovativen EduCrys-System, das die industrielle Kristallherstellung nachahmt, verspricht das Projekt eine interaktive Lernerfahrung für Schulen und Universitäten. Durch den Einsatz offener Hard- und Software wird eine Brücke zwischen der Hightechindustrie und dem Klassenzimmer geschlagen.


"Crystalline materials are indispensable to modern life, and the development of crystal growth processes for novel materials remains an important challenge in materials science and engineering. However, the knowledge about these processes is limited to very select, specialist communities. Researchers from different fields often use crystals just as ""products"" without being aware of the exciting multi-disciplinary background of their production processes. The HANDSOME project aims to facilitate the integration of this topic in educational curricula at various levels. We will adopt a macroscopic perspective on crystal growth, starting with heat transfer phenomena and phase changes between solid and liquid states, which can be related to many aspects of everyday life such as cooking or weather. A modular hands-on setup (EduCrys) will be developed to demonstrate the growth of tin crystals from melt using a process very similar to the industrial production of silicon crystals for microelectronics. Various sensors will be utilized to measure the temperature or power consumption. In the HANDSOME project, we envision EduCrys as a unique, innovative educational product for both schools and universities. We will follow the principles of open hardware with low-cost components and open source control software to maximize accessibility and customizability. The EduCrys setup will allow the transfer of knowledge from high-tech industries and specialized research labs to the classroom while preserving the possibility of hands-on experience and therefore increasing interactivity in science education. The HANDSOME project aims to reach a new level of awareness in the society about the challenges of modern materials science, in particular the production processes of crystalline materials, their energy-efficiency, and their environmental impact."



Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 150 000,00
12489 Berlin

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Berlin Berlin Berlin
Research Organisations
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