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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Nanomedicine based approaches for the treatement and diagnsotic of different Lung diseases


Nanomedizinfortschritt im Dienste präziser Diagnosen und Behandlungen

Die Nanotechnologie kommt im biomedizinischen Sektor häufig zum Einsatz, etwa bei der Verabreichung von Medikamenten, der Diagnostik und der Überwachung von Behandlungen. Nanomaterialien bieten präzise und zielgerichtete Lösungen, verbessern Therapien und ermöglichen eine frühzeitigere Erkennung von Krankheiten mit bemerkenswerter Genauigkeit. Das Anliegen des im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierten Projekts LungCare besteht darin, die Nanotechnologie zur Entwicklung von Nanoimpfstoffen und inhalierbaren Therapeutika gegen Lungeninfektionen durch Pseudomonas aeruginosa zu nutzen. Die Forschenden werden außerdem Diagnostiksensoren zur Analyse von Lungenkrebs sowie tragbare Tests zur Früherkennung von Tuberkulose entwickeln. Bei dem Projekt handelt es sich um ein Gemeinschaftsvorhaben mit Partnern aus der EU und assoziierten Ländern, das den Wissensaustausch fördert und die Forschung auf hohem Niveau unterstützt.


Nanotechnology concepts have integrated into almost all aspects of current research and the present research area is recognised to be one of nanoscience. Nanomaterials are promising materials to develop new technologies in every branch of science and technology. This is also true when it comes to the biomedical field, where nanotechnology in the form of nanomedicine has a great potential to overcome some of the current limitations using conventional analytical and therapeutic approaches. The focal point of the LungCare project is to turn nanotechnological potentials into tangible outcomes with benefits for patients and the society at large. The philosophy behind LungCare is to provide improvement to the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infections via nanovaccines and inhalable therapeutics. It focuses also on the pending question for early and accurate diagnostics of tuberculosis (TB) and lung cancer via the development of sensitive point of care testing devices. In case of lung cancer, sensor development will be accompanied by quantitative image analysis to increase diagnostic accuracy and improve our understanding of the disease characteristics. The LungCare project aims at training of the next generation of students in this rapidly advancing field at the interface between chemistry-physics-biology-medicine and to up-date and improve the know-how of senior researchers and PIs in important parts of nanomedicine such as clinical assay development, state-of the art of organoid developments to limit in vivo testing via and the implementation of artificial intelligent in diagnostics. The different intersectoral secondments to 2 European countries (France, Austria), 2 associated countries (Turkey, Ukraine) and one associated partner (Argentina) will strengthen nanomedicine on the EU level, will encourage knowledge gain and will insure preserving high level research activities under the EU umbrella.


€ 322 000,00
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
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