Descripción del proyecto
Un marco de ética e integridad para los retos climáticos
Todos los sectores de la sociedad deben adaptarse para hacer frente a los problemas ambientales y climáticos que padece el mundo. Abordar las cuestiones de ética e integridad ambiental y climática requiere un marco integral en la investigación e innovación que, en consonancia con el Pacto Verde Europeo, abogue por tecnologías innovadoras y soluciones sostenibles para lograr el objetivo de neutralidad climática de la Unión Europea de aquí a 2050. En el proyecto RE4GREEN, financiado con fondos europeos, se pretende crear un marco de ética e integridad para la investigación e innovación en el Espacio Europeo de Investigación, con el fin de facilitar la transición hacia una economía y una sociedad sostenibles. El equipo de RE4GREEN empleará un planteamiento ascendente para formular directrices y programas de formación para investigadores, expertos en ética e integridad, asesores y comités de revisión ética.
There is growing awareness of the importance of having all sectors of society adapt to face a range of global
environmental and climate challenges, taking into account intergenerational justice. These challenges require developing
an encompassing framework for research and innovation (R&I) to address environmental and climate ethics and integrity
issues, which relate not only to R&I involving potentially significant environmental and climate repercussions (e.g. R&I
in the area of electro-magnetic fields), but also R&I specifically aiming to develop knowledge and technologies to address
environmental and climate challenges (e.g. geoengineering or biotechnology in food systems). RE4GREEN’s main
goal is to contribute to a European Research Area (ERA) ethics and integrity framework for research and
innovation activities designed to support the transition to a sustainable economy and society as envisioned by the
European Green Deal. While R&I has too often been part of the problem of environmental degradation and biodiversity
loss, a central pillar of the European Green Deal and associated legislation is to promote new technologies and sustainable
solutions to reach net zero emissions in the EU by 2050, and advance a range of other climate and environmental
objectives. Based on a bottom-up approach that uses the social lab methodology to reflect diverse stakeholder expertise,
RE4GREEN will develop operational research ethics and integrity guidelines, recommendations and training materials
and programmes for researchers, ethics and integrity experts and advisors and ethics review boards to make sure R&I
activities more holistically contribute solutions toward the Green Transition.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinador
53113 Bonn