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SPEcification, Analysis & Re-calibration of High Energy pArticle Data

Description du projet

Mieux comprendre les éruptions solaires à très haute énergie

La physique des très hautes énergies peut nous aider à comprendre l'origine et l'évolution de notre univers et son fonctionnement aux échelles les plus petites et les plus grandes. Les éruptions solaires sont associées à une énorme libération d'énergie et s’accompagnent souvent de phénomènes liés aux particules énergétiques solaires. Le projet SPEARHEAD, financé par l'UE, entend exploiter les observations de particules de très haute énergie réalisées dans le cadre des principales missions d’héliophysique et des mesures au sol pour répondre à trois questions fondamentales concernant les particules et les éruptions solaires. Ce faisant, il développera des solutions permettant de dériver les flux de particules de haute énergie à partir des observations avec une précision sans précédent, et améliorera l'exploitation des données de surveillance et l'analyse des éruptions solaires.


Through a detailed analysis of very high-energy particle observations from the most important heliophysics missions combined with ground based measurements, SPEARHEAD will provide answers to three science questions:
1) How are protons accelerated beyond 100 MeV and electrons beyond 1 MeV in solar eruptions?
2) What are the release times and spectral characteristics of near-relativistic particles from solar eruptions?
3) How do coronal and interplanetary structures affect the transport processes of very high energetic particles?
To enable the scientific data analysis SPEARHEAD has three technical objectives:
1) Determining the response functions of a large number of spacecraft instruments to derive high-energy particle fluxes from observations at unprecedented accuracy releasing revised and completely new datasets
2) Performing cross-calibration of datasets measured by science-grade and monitoring instruments to enable the use of monitoring data for scientific analyses
3) Combining high-energy particle and context observations together with modeling of plasma structures for easier in-depth analysis of solar eruptions, quantifying their effect and delivering them to the community.
SPEARHEAD combines eight partners possessing the best European resources (in terms of data, models and infrastructure) in very high-energy particle research into a consortium that will deliver answers to the three science questions and consolidated datasets, methodology and open access tools to the community enabling breakthrough science on these open problems. The work is organized efficiently in 8 work packages with carefully picked top European expertise in each of them. SPEARHEAD will also facilitate the future application of its results through dedicated and comprehensive user engagement, direct provision through open access infrastructures as ESA datalabs, while strongly promotes its results and the value-added datasets and tools for the future heliophysics missions.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 242 750,00
11810 Athina

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 242 750,00

Participants (8)