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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Multilingual and Cross-cultural interactions for context-aware, and bias-controlled dialogue systems for safety-critical applications

Descripción del proyecto

Ayudar a la IA a descifrar diálogos complejos

En el ámbito de la IA conversacional, es difícil descifrar los diálogos no estructurados. Este reto obstaculiza el desarrollo de modelos lingüísticos fiables y con control de sesgos. Además, los asistentes de voz existentes varían en sofisticación, lo que plantea retos en materia de comprensión y adaptabilidad en diversos entornos lingüísticos. Con esta idea en mente, el equipo del proyecto ELOQUENCE, financiado con fondos europeos, intenta descodificar diálogos intrincados y traducirlos en modelos explicables, seguros y basados en el conocimiento, lo que fomenta la confianza y la fiabilidad en las interacciones impulsadas por la IA. Mediante tecnologías como el procesamiento del lenguaje natural y el aprendizaje automático, en ELOQUENCE se desarrollarán marcos adaptativos capaces de aprender a partir de datos limitados para apoyar eficazmente múltiples idiomas de la Unión Europea (UE). Este trabajo ambicioso no sólo mejorará el campo de la IA conversacional, sino que también defenderá los valores europeos de inclusión.


ELOQUENCE is focused on the research and development of innovative technologies for collaborative voice/chat bots. Voice assistant-powered dialogue engines have previously been deployed in a number of commercial and governmental technological pipelines, with a diverse level of complexity. In our concept, such a complexity can be understood as a problem of analysing unstructured dialogues. ELOQUENCE’s key objective is to better comprehend those unstructured dialogues and translate them into explainable, safe, knowledge-grounded, trustworthy and bias-controlled language models. We envision to develop a technology capable of learning by its own, by adapting from a very data-limited corpora to efficiently support most of the EU languages; from a sustainable computational framework to efficient and green-power architectures and, in essence, that may serve as a guidance for all European citizens whilst being respectful and showing the best of our European values, specifically supporting safety-critical applications by involving humans-in-the-loop.
Overall, ELOQUENCE’s project considers building on top and to improve of prior achievements in the domain of conversational agents, e.g. recently launched and public-domain Large Language Models (LLMs), such as chatGPT (e.g. more recent versions), or LaMDa most of them developed in non-EU countries. While including key industrial enterprises from Europe (i.e. Omilia, Telefonica, Synelixis), ELOQUENCE will validate the developed technology through (i) safety-critical scenarios with human-in-the-loop for security-critical applications (i.e. emergency services in call centres) and (ii) smart home assistants via information retrieval and fact-checking against an online knowledge base for lesser risky autonomous systems (i.e. home-assistants). ELOQUENCE will target the R&D of these novel conversational AI technologies in multilingual and multimodal environments and demonstrated in several pilots.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 801 718,75
28050 MADRID

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 801 718,75

Participantes (12)

Socios (3)