CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Preventing non-communicable diseases caused by the post-acute phase of cOvid-19 INfecTion


Die Gesundheitsrisiken nach COVID im Blick

Nach der akuten Phase von COVID-19 besteht unbeachtet der Schwere des Verlaufs ein alarmierendes Risiko für nichtübertragbare Krankheiten. Mehr als 70 % der Betroffenen leiden in dieser Phase unter eingeschränkter Organfunktion. In der EU wurden mehr als 183 Mio. Fälle gemeldet, sodass es zu einem sprunghaften Anstieg nichtübertragbarer Krankheiten kommen könnte. Daher wird im EU-finanzierten Projekt POINT ein umfassender Ansatz vorgestellt, um das Risiko nach der akuten Phase wirksam zu mindern. Konkret werden Biomarker, ein virtueller Zwilling für die klinische Praxis und Leitlinien zu Risikogruppen erarbeitet. Über das interdisziplinäre Konsortium und große europäische Kohorten könnte das POINT-Team mit Blick auf künftige Infektionskrankheiten die Behandlung nach einer COVID-Erkrankung revolutionieren.


The post-acute phase (PAP) of COVID-19, occurring ≥4 months after the acute phase, is associated with an increased risk for the development of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The risk of complications in this phase does not depend on the severity of the acute phase. In the EU, more than 183 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported and up to 70% of patients suffer reduced organ function in the PAP. Our conservative estimate it that 5% of people who have suffered COVID-19 are at risk of developing NCDs of the pulmonary, cardiovascular and renal systems due to the PAP.

To avoid the significant socioeconomic costs related to this burden, POINT will develop knowledge-based biomarkers for prevention and management of NCDs, a virtual twin model that offers clinical decision support, and clinical guidelines and recommendations for the entire health care value chain with special attention to vulnerable groups. We will fulfil an unmet need for knowledge and tools to minimize the risk factors of the PAP at the optimal point in time, when healthcare systems will have to redirect their focus from the acute phase of COVID-19 to the post-acute phase. The outcomes of POINT will aid the health care value chain already from an early phase of the project. Furthermore, POINT will correlate and promote knowledge on the development of NCDs in general and the risks of PAP from other infectious diseases.

POINT will meet the challenges with a holistic approach from a truly interdisciplinary consortium consisting of clinical experts, molecular biologists, behavioural scientists, and computer scientists, who will take advantage of cohorts of more than 6 million Europeans, and cross-sectional biobanks from more than 6000 Europeans. Researchers will work together with standardisation experts, an end-user organization representing >120.000 physicians, as well as a dedicated partner for data management ensuring rapid absorption of the outcomes of the project by all stakeholders.


€ 2 249 998,75
1165 Kobenhavn

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€ 2 249 998,75

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