Description du projet
Des solutions durables pour résoudre la crise des déchets de batteries
Alors que la nécessité d’une gestion efficace des déchets de batteries s’accroît, les batteries NMC, LFP et Na-ion, qui représentent 85 % du problème, contribuent de manière considérable à ce défi. Les méthodes de recyclage traditionnelles s’avèrent inadéquates, par manque d’efficacité et de respect de l’environnement. Dans ce contexte, le projet REVITALISE, financé par l’UE, propose une solution innovante. REVITALISE entend révolutionner le recyclage des batteries par le biais de techniques de pointe telles que la fragmentation électrohydraulique et l’ultrasonication pour la pureté des matériaux. Il propose également une remédiation de l’eau, en extrayant le lithium des flux d’eaux usées. En collaboration avec les leaders de l’industrie Verkor, Hydro et Hydrovolt, le projet assure un recyclage en boucle fermée, optimisant les taux de récupération tout en minimisant l’impact sur l’environnement. Son objectif est de développer un procédé commercialement viable faisant appel à l’hydrométallurgie et dont l’impact sur l’environnement serait minimal. REVITALISE établit une nouvelle norme pour le recyclage écologique et rentable des batteries, inaugurant un avenir plus durable.
REVITALISE delivers a holistic solution for green, low-cost, and low environmental impact recycling of NMC (Hi-Ni), LFP and Na-Ion batteries, representing 85% of battery waste streams up to 2025. REVITALISE develops low-cost and green processes to recover a full range of battery materials, including NMC, LFP, Al, Cu, Li, graphite, fluorides, phosphates and plastics.
Overall recycling rates of 91%+ will be proven at TRL4 for waste processed from post-production scrap and end-of-life battery black mass. REVITALISE will develop innovative pre-treatment technologies based on electrohydraulic fragmentation, ultrasonication and magnetic, and electrostatic separation that will achieve very high levels of material stream purity. This will enable commercially viable recycling of low-value parts. The approach will enable direct recycling of 40% of the cathode and anode active parts, with direct characterisation of the lithiation (or sodiation) being developed that will be used as a basis of a smart-reformation approach for reclaimed active materials. The remaining 60% being suitable for hydrometallurgical recycling based on leaching with green organic acids from food waste, such as vitamin C (ascorbates), vinegar (acetate) and citric acid (citrates) and inorganic acids produced from industrial wastes.
A further innovation is the development of water remediation with Li recovery from all wastewater streams generated, through the implementation of polymeric nanocomposite membrane separation with direct Li recycling for Li in water concentrations down to 0.6mg/L.
The recycled parts will be assessed for (closed-loop) battery and other secondary applications for precursors and semi-products by industrial partners Verkor and Hydro, through reformulation and upcycling of battery materials and validation of remanufactured batteries.
An optimised process flow will be determined to achieve commercially viable recycling with maximised recovery rates and minimal environmental impact.
Champ scientifique
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwaste managementwaste treatment processesrecycling
- natural scienceschemical scienceselectrochemistryelectric batteries
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwater treatment processeswastewater treatment processes
- natural scienceschemical sciencesorganic chemistryorganic acids
- engineering and technologychemical engineeringseparation technologies
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
7491 Trondheim