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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

An integrated typology-based approach to guide the future development of European historic buildings towards a clean energy transition

Descripción del proyecto

Innovaciones de intervención a medida para el futuro de los edificios históricos

La protección futura del patrimonio construido requiere métodos normalizados que puedan adaptarse a la diversidad de edificios históricos con necesidades específicas. El equipo del proyecto FuturHist, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende afrontar este reto desarrollando métodos de intervención a medida para los edificios históricos. En el proyecto se empezará por identificar las tipologías de edificios locales uniformes para establecer métodos normalizados que puedan adaptarse a otras tipologías. Se centrarán en desarrollar innovaciones para el uso de la energía y los recursos, mejorar el bienestar y aumentar la durabilidad. Ejemplos de estas innovaciones son el aislamiento con arcilla y biocarbón y el enlucido de cal autorreparable. El equipo del proyecto aplicará estas soluciones en cuatro casos prácticos situados en España, Polonia, el Reino Unido y Suecia. Se han seleccionado así para garantizar su validación en diferentes climas, tipologías de construcción y entornos socioeconómicos.


The process of future proofing the built heritage faces the paradox of needing standardised approaches but having a heterogeneous stock with very specific needs. FUTURHIST will rely on the identification and characterisation of local uniform building typologies, as a lowest common denominator, to develop tailored intervention approaches that can be standardised and replicated in all buildings of that category with minor modifications. The standardised approach will then serve as a basis for the adaptation to other typologies in the same context (climate, regulations, etc.) or even similar typologies (in terms of materials, configuration, etc.) in different contexts.

Although considerable progress has been done in recent years in terms of development of materials and solutions compatible with conservation of historic buildings, several challenges remain still open. FUTURHIST will develop both passive and active solutions with a focus on an efficient use of energy and resources, improved wellbeing, enhanced durability, revalorization of existing materials and techniques, integration of renewable energy systems, and smart solutions for decarbonising heating, cooling, and ventilation. Mentioned here, just as examples, be a clay-biochar-insulation, self-healing lime plaster and hybrid original-vacuum glazing.

Demonstration is at the core of the project. The solutions developed as well as the approach will be implemented and tested in four cases in Spain, Poland, Sweden, and the UK. The diversity and geographical distribution of the demo cases will ensure the validation under different climates, construction typologies and socio-economic environments. The demo case owners, as members of the consortium, will facilitate a rapid uptake of the results to be implemented in their large portfolios immediately after the completion of the project. Moreover, the involvement of heritage authorities and partnership with ICOMOS and INTBAU will ensure trust and widespread replication


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 719 780,00
39100 Bolzano

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Nord-Est Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen Bolzano-Bozen
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 719 780,00

Participantes (13)

Socios (3)