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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

TERRAVISION: Integrated Earth Observation based platform for novel services to enhance raw materials mining life cycle


Erdbeobachtung für eine umweltfreundliche Zukunft

Die weltweite Nachfrage nach kritischen Rohstoffen steigt rasant, doch herkömmliche Bergbauverfahren sind große ökologische und sozioökonomische Probleme. Dazu gehören Umweltzerstörung, Ressourcenverbrauch und soziale Konflikte in Bergbauregionen. Die bestehenden Methoden sind auch nicht effizient oder transparent, sodass verfügbare Böden nicht nachhaltig bewirtschaftet werden können. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt das EU-finanzierte Projekt TERRAVISION eine bahnbrechende Initiative dar, um den Bergbau durch innovative Erdbeobachtungstechnologien und nachhaltige Verfahren zu revolutionieren. Die Wirksamkeit von TERRAVISION wird in Griechenland, Spanien und darüber hinaus bei Validierungskampagnen an sechs Bergbaustandorten nachgewiesen. Mit gezielten Aktivitäten zur Verbreitung und Nachbildung zielt das TERRAVISION-Team auf eine große Wirkung in der ganzen EU ab, um den Weg für nachhaltigen Bergbau zu ebnen.


TERRAVISION will establish and deploy an integrated platform to enhance the entire critical raw materials value chain towards implementing sustainable mining practices. TERRAVISION Earth Observation (EO) Mining Services Platform will be supported by 4 innovation pillars; (i) the Data Ecosystem for Large scale EO mining services will link and exploit various data from key sources (e.g. Copernicus satellite/ground radar/drone/in-situ sensing data) for monitoring the entire raw materials life cycle; (ii) the Analysis Ready Data and Raw material spectral library, will provide a novel framework for processing raw multisensory EO data to become Analysis Ready Data and to be combined semantically with in-situ data to enable the development of an open and standardised raw material spectral library to support the full mining life cycle of critical raw materials and the mapping of primary and secondary critical raw materials,(iii) the EO services for the mining industry will develop and deploy services critical to supply chain (e.g. mapping of critical raw materials, mineral exploration, extraction rates in opencast mines and stockpile volumes) but also enable a dynamic hazard mapping service for proactive management of risks to promote operational efficiency of mining sites. (iv) The Green & Resilience Accountability component will promote critical raw materials supply chain resilience and sustainability based on the quantification of environmental and socio-economic impact of mining activities for different mining phases (e.g. permission, operation, post-closure). The effectiveness of the TERRAVISION EO Mining Services Platform will be demonstrated at both EU (Greece, Spain) and beyond coupled by validation campaigns at 6 mining sites that will pave the way for rapid uptake of the proposed systemic innovations. Targeted dissemination, exploitation and replication activities will enhance a clear pathway for TERRAVISION towards significant EU-wide impact.


€ 1 283 050,00
106 82 ATHINA

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