CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

New impetus to materials research - democratizing a frontier research tool


Die Lücke bei zugänglichen Analysen überbrücken

Um Technologien weiterzuentwickeln, müssen molekulare Strukturen klar sein, doch mit den vorhandenen Instrumenten können sie nicht erklärt werden. Die Röntgenanalyse mit hoher Auflösung ist entscheidend für die Werkstoffkunde, allerdings sind entweder Leistung oder Zugang begrenzt. Durch diesen Engpass stagniert die Innovation, sodass Industrien nicht von Spitzenforschung profitieren können. In diesem Zusammenhang unterstützt der Europäische Innovationsrat das Projekt LynXes, die Materialanalyse zu revolutionieren. Das LynXes-Team entwickelt hochenergetische Röntgentechnologie als kompakte tragbare Lösung, um den Zugang zu demokratisieren und eine Innovationswelle in allen Sektoren anzustoßen. Die Vision ist eine Zukunft, in der diese Technologie in der industriellen und wissenschaftlichen Forschung und Entwicklung eingesetzt wird, um nachhaltige Lösungen für Sektoren wie grüne Energie, Pharmazie und Abfallwirtschaft zu entwerfen. Indem das LynXes-Team hochauflösende Röntgenspektroskopie zugänglicher gestaltet, sollen transformative Fortschritte für eine bessere und nachhaltigere Zukunft ermöglicht werden.


Our society is driven by constant technological progress, which crucially depends on advances in material science. The bottleneck of such advances is to see deeper into and understand better the molecular structures, which is limited by tools that are either i) accessible to many, but limited (and already fully exploited) in performance, or ii) are of high performance but restricted to only a few with large-scale infrastructures, and greatly limited by availability and cost.

One of the most effective and prolific of materials analysis tools is high-energy-resolved X-rays capable of revealing high-definition molecular structure of new materials in working conditions. This is however only available at large, €1BN X-ray sources, with little and difficult-to-obtain machine time for R&D performers. This discourages most potential users and makes life hell for the few who try. Consequently most of the industrial R&D sector, which could benefit most from these tools, is not even aware of these opportunities.

LynXes proposes to pack this technology into a self-sufficient tabletop solution, offering to disrupt the entire materials analysis sector and open up a whole new market worth around half a billion to a billion euros a year. We are convinced that this novel family of materials analysis methods could be a game changer in the research and development in many fields. The possible use cases range from developing novel materials for batteries or fuel cell systems, understanding and improving nuclear waste management, boost the performance of waste water treatment, etc.

Our mission is to open new horizons for industrial and academic R&D by democratizing the access to high-energy-resolution X-ray spectroscopies (HERXS) technology. We believe that our technology will create a better world by boosting several key R&D and QA processes, especially in highly future-oriented sectors such as green chemistry, green energy, pharma, waste management, data storage, and so on. LynXes is poised to disrupt the market and bring advanced X-ray spectroscopy capabilities to a broader range of users, transforming R&D processes and contributing to the development of more sustainable technologies across the board.


€ 1 531 950,00
2600 VAC

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Közép-Magyarország Pest Pest
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 2 188 500,00