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Religion and Comics: New Forms of Mediation of Religion

Description du projet

Percer les mystères de la foi à travers la bande dessinée

Avec l’évolution de la société, les expressions traditionnelles de la religion se transforment et s’imbriquent dans la culture contemporaine. La bande dessinée, un média en plein essor, offre une perspective unique à travers laquelle la spiritualité est représentée et consommée. Toutefois, la compréhension de cette intersection dynamique reste un défi, et les recherches disponibles sont rares. Avec le soutien du programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA), le projet RELIGIOMICS explorera la fusion de la religion et de la bande dessinée. Plus précisément, il s’agira d’étudier les parcours des artistes pour dévoiler la danse symbiotique entre l’art de la bande dessinée et les influences religieuses. L’équipe s’intéressera également au cœur du public, en décryptant la manière dont il interprète les récits religieux dans les bandes dessinées. Adoptant une approche pluridisciplinaire qui couvrira la sociologie, l’étude des médias et l’art, RELIGIOMICS promet une odyssée interculturelle.


RELIGIOMICS aims at capturing new forms of religion and spirituality represented and experienced in comics by both artists and audiences. Considering the growth of comics production and consumption, this project is crucial to understand the transformations of religious phenomena in Western societies and their connections with popular culture. RELIGIOMICS investigates the relationship between comics and religion, by studying: 1) the artists’ subjectivities and biographical paths, 2) the intertwined influences between the artistic production and religion, 3) audiences’ receptions and 4) the transformation of the comics field. RELIGIOMICS proposes a cross-national comparative perspective focusing on artists and audiences, with different religious and cultural backgrounds in Europe and the USA. It is innovative in considering comics as a medium for religious expression and not only as an instrument of commodification and banalisation of religion. It is multidisciplinary as it combines and connects sociology of religion, comics studies, media studies, and sociology of art. The fellow will be hosted at the University of Lausanne (outgoing associated partner), the University of Harvard (secondment), and the University of Bologna (host institution). The fellow, an expert in sociology of religion, will gain the expertise to carry out the research: in Lausanne, on the relationship between contemporary art and religion, at Harvard, on comics studies and spirituality and pop culture, and in Bologna on sociology of art and discourse analysis. RELIGIOMICS will address the following questions: (RQ1) How do comics artists live and represent religion and spirituality? (RQ2) How does the comics medium shape, and how is it shaped by, religion and spirituality? (RQ3) How are religious narratives and symbols experienced by the audiences of comics? (RQ4) How did religion favour the emergence of the semi-autonomous artistic field of highbrow comics in tension with commercial comics?


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 320 924,16
40126 Bologna

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Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Partenaires (2)