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Understanding the Textual Development and the Literary Fortune of the Book of Jubilees through Ages, Languages and across Geographic Regions

Descripción del proyecto

Descubrir las capas ocultas de los Jubileos

El «Libro de los Jubileos» es un texto judío del siglo II a. e. c., cuyo conocimiento oscila al borde del olvido. Su legado, transmitido con esmero por algunos y borrado de forma deliberada por otros, ha perdurado a través de los tiempos, pero su traducción latina, oculta en un palimpsesto del siglo V, sigue siendo subestimada. En el proyecto UnderText, que cuenta con el apoyo de las acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, se pretende desvelar los secretos ocultos en esta traducción olvidada. A través de un análisis meticuloso y comparaciones interlingüísticas, el proyecto promete aportar nuevos conocimientos sobre la evolución textual y la repercusión cultural de este libro, reviviendo así un capítulo perdido del patrimonio literario europeo. Los resultados enriquecerán el discurso científico y promoverán la reflexión sobre cuestiones contemporáneas como la cultura de la cancelación y la narrativa judeo-europea.


"Carefully transmitted by some and deliberately erased by others, at times remembered through the centuries, at others completely forgotten and vanished into the unseen, the Book of Jubilees is a second-century BCE apocryphal Jewish text that retells the legendary foundational stories of the Books of Genesis and Exodus with the addition of otherwise unknown details. ""UnderText: UNDERstanding the TEXTual development and the literary fortune of the Book of Jubilees through ages, languages and across geographic regions"" will shed new light on the development and fortune of such an important text focusing on a literally invisible version, a Latin translation preserved in the undertext of a fifth-century palimpsest (i.e. not only a manuscript whose ink has been scraped off but a completely new written artefact (re)fashioned through complex production processes) stored at the Ambrosian Library in Milan. This Latin translation has been particularly neglected by scholars but can shed precious light in relation to the Hebrew original and the Ge'ez (the classical language of Ethiopia and Eritrea) translation of the Book of Jubilees. Through palaeographic and codicological analysis and by comparing different translations into multiple languages, the fortunes of the Book of Jubilees in Europe and the history and fate of this Latin palimpsest manuscript will be interwoven throughout the course of the research, and UnderText will shed light on how divergent religious and cultural contexts have reflected variously on common texts and themes. UnderText will also have social and public implications, triggering reflection on the extremely timely ideas of cancel cultures and will highlight the importance of the traditions of the Jewish minority within the European roots and their interactions with Latin language traditions.


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€ 297 164,16
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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