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Lipase immobilization for microscopic investigation of enzyme activity

Description du projet

Maximiser le ratio biocatalytique d’une lipase prometteuse

Les eaux usées huileuses provenant des activités industrielles et humaines constituent une menace importante pour la qualité des eaux souterraines et de l’eau potable. Les biocatalyseurs, tels que la lipase de Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL), sont susceptibles d’éliminer efficacement les lipides, mais leur solubilité et leur réutilisation sont limitées, ce qui augmente les coûts et restreint la généralisation de leur utilisation. Avec le soutien du programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet lipaseTEM immobilisera le TLL sur des supports solides et étudiera l’interaction de l’enzyme immobilisée avec la nanostructure du support et le substrat lipidique à l’aide d’études cinétiques in situ. En s’appuyant sur diverses méthodes d’immobilisation et différentes nanostructures de support, l’équipe tentera d’identifier les caractéristiques du système qui maximisent le taux de réaction biocatalytique.


Water contamination caused by human and industrial activities is a significant global concern. One of the most prominent pollutants is oily wastewater, severely impacting groundwater and drinking water quality. Biocatalysts, such as Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL), are used in many household detergents to remove lipids effectively. However, their limited solubility and reusability can increase running costs and hinder large-scale applications. To address this issue, we plan to immobilize TLL on solid supports and determine the appropriate surface density of enzymes, conformational changes during immobilization, and the effect of support on its kinetic properties. Our goal is to develop innovative methods for nanoscale imaging of enzymes using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to gain insights into the structural aspects of immobilization. By investigating the interaction of the immobilized enzyme with the support nanostructure and the lipid substrate, we expect to identify the attributes that maximize the biocatalytic reaction rate. We will explore different immobilization methods on various nanostructures and investigate how TLL interacts with the immobilization matrices at the nanoscale level. Additionally, we will apply water vapor atmosphere in the TEM to explore in situ the dynamic switching between the active and idle state of the single enzyme molecules in real-time by their conformational changes. We are aiming to obtain groundbreaking results and a paradigm shift, based on the in situ kinetic studies of lipase-catalyzed chemical reactions which can become a gateway into the quantum mechanical world of molecular science.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 230 774,40
2800 Kongens Lyngby

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Danmark Hovedstaden Københavns omegn
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée