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Migration Waves and their Contributions to Economic and Political Institutions in Origin Countries

Descripción del proyecto

La contribución de los inmigrantes africanos a sus países de origen

La actual crisis migratoria mundial supone un problema importante para el desarrollo, ya que millones de personas cruzan las fronteras en busca de mejores perspectivas económicas y una mayor libertad política y estabilidad social. En el proyecto MIGTRIBUTION, que cuenta con el apoyo de las acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, se examinará cómo los inmigrantes africanos en Europa pueden contribuir a la estabilidad y la calidad institucional en sus países de origen, desplazando así el foco de atención de la fuga de cerebros a la ganancia institucional. La investigación tendrá en cuenta factores como los envíos de dinero, la transferencia de conocimientos, la inversión y la influencia en la gobernanza y la calidad institucional. En el proyecto se emplearán técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas de recopilación de datos, así como análisis comparativos, para formular recomendaciones políticas.


"The ongoing global migration crisis has emerged as an important development challenge of our time, with millions of individuals crossing borders in search of better economic prospects, political liberties, & social stability. This research project examines how African European immigrants can contribute positively to their home countries' stability and institutional quality. The study highlights a transition from ""brain drain"" to ""institutional gain,"" where the potential benefits a country can derive from the skills & knowledge acquired by individuals who have migrated and gained experience & expertise abroad outweigh the loss of talent & skills shortages due to emigration. This research aims to rigorously explore and critically evaluate the potential impact African immigrants in Europe may have on the economic & political institutions development of their countries of origin. It aims to delve into the intricate dynamics that shape this relationship, focusing on the diaspora’s engagements’ quantitative & qualitative contributions. We seek to provide a comprehensive analysis of the myriad ways these migrants might be contributing to or detracting from the development of their home countries, considering factors including, but not limited to, remittances, knowledge transfer, investment, and influence on governance & institutional quality. We will conduct our research using quantitative & qualitative data collection techniques and diverse methods of empirical analysis. One subproject involves a cross-country study covering several African and European nations. Additionally, we will conduct case studies and comparative analyses focusing on diaspora communities from selected African countries that have demonstrated noticeable influences on their home countries' political & economic landscapes. We use mixed methods to examine these nations' unique circumstances. The study outcomes will be used to offer suggestions for both European and African policymakers.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 181 152,96
43003 Tarragona

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Este Cataluña Tarragona
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Socios (2)