Description du projet
Transformer les marchés publics dans le secteur européen des sciences de pointe
Dans le domaine des grandes organisations scientifiques (GES), telles que le CERN et EuXFEL, la passation de marchés en matière d’innovation reste une stratégie sous-utilisée, malgré leur financement européen substantiel et leurs impacts sociétaux potentiels. Dans ce contexte, le projet INPROCAP, financé par l’UE, vise à révolutionner ce paysage. INPROCAP cherche à introduire des pratiques innovantes en matière de passation de marchés dans les GES en s’appuyant sur un réseau de bureaux de liaison industriels. Ces bureaux offriront des services de conseil et travailleront avec plus de 200 petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), ce qui favorisera la collaboration et renforcera les capacités des GES dans des secteurs allant de l’énergie aux technologies de l’information. Dirigé par un consortium couvrant l’Europe, comprenant des réseaux clés de l’OIT et soutenu par l’expertise de PEDAL, INPROCAP vise à faire de la passation de marchés en matière d’innovation une pierre angulaire des stratégies des GES.
Innovation procurement is a largely underused mechanism in the publicly funded Big Science Organisations (BSOs), such as CERN (CH), EuXFEL (DE), European Spallation Source (ESS-Sweden), Fusion4Energy/F4E/ITER. BSOs represent huge European public investments, estimated at €38.7 Bn for the coming years. BSOs are recognized as drivers for innovation with a huge impact on society in fields such as energy, health, materials, environment and IT. INPROCAP will establish co-designed innovative procurement practices in BSOs. Through INPROCAP, a fragmented network of Industrial Liaison Offices (ILOs) will be able to provide Advisory Services, and involve their huge network of national and international SMEs and deep connections to the innovation ecosystem. More than 200 companies will be engaged in innovative procurement for BSOs through INPROCAP.
The INPROCAP consortium is uniquely positioned to potentiate innovation procurement opportunities for BSOs, by involving four ILO networks (DTI/DK, NWO/NL, CDTI/ES, NCBJ/PL) covering the entire European region – the ILOs will co-create and receive training on innovation procurement (developed with and provided by an SME with vast experience in innovation procurement – PEDAL/SK). INPROCAP partners will engage their wider network of start-ups and innovative companies, while ensuring that BSOs are capable and prepared to embark on innovation procurement processes. BSOs are directly involved in INPROCAP through EuXFEL/DE and EISCAT/SE, who will identify their innovation procurement needs that will be presented to SMEs for co-design.
Through INPROCAP, innovation procurement will become a standard tool in the BSO toolbox. The potential of SMEs to increase their supply of innovations to the public sector BSOs will be widely disseminated, and the innovation procurement cases developed in INPROCAP will serve as examples for BSOs across the world, contributing to overcome the current dispersion observed in innovation procurement.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinateur
2630 Taastrup