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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Synergy for Healthy Longevity

Descripción del proyecto

Un cambio del sistema sanitario hacia la prevención

Los sistemas sanitarios tradicionales se centran en el tratamiento reactivo de las enfermedades. Esto supone una carga para los recursos y los presupuestos. Con el aumento de los costes y las crisis mundiales de financiación, la sostenibilidad está en peligro. El equipo del proyecto SynHealth, financiado con fondos europeos, abordará estos problemas. En concreto, aprovechará los biomarcadores de polisacáridos para revolucionar la asistencia sanitaria. Los investigadores de Genos encabezaron los avances en glicómica, identificando biomarcadores potenciales. El objetivo de SynHealth es aprovechar estos descubrimientos para aplicarlos en la vida real en Croacia y Eslovenia. Las asociaciones en las regiones objetivo facilitarán la innovación y la transferencia de tecnología. Al integrar los biomarcadores de polisacáridos en la atención sanitaria preventiva, SynHealth allana el camino hacia la medicina personalizada y la asignación eficiente de recursos. En conjunto, en el proyecto se pretende traducir los avances del pasado en herramientas de diagnóstico clínico, lo que anuncia una era transformadora en la asistencia sanitaria.


Almost all current healthcare systems are based on treating individuals who are already ill, relying on periodic interventions when health is compromised, and health problems hinder normal functioning. This approach is becoming increasingly financially unsustainable, and healthcare funding is in a continuous crisis at a global level. In the field of health promotion, glycans (complex oligosaccharides) have the highest biomarker potential since they integrate genetic, epigenetic and lifestyle factors, making them more similar to complex diseases than any other class of molecules. Researchers in Genos pioneered high-throughput glycomics 15 years ago, which enabled glycomics to become integrated in multiple large epidemiological and clinical studies. Through active participation in multiple EU-funded projects, including 3TR and SYSCID that are formal requirement for this application, researchers in Genos analysed over 200,000 individual glycomes and identified several potential glycan biomarkers. General objective of the SynHealth project is to valorise the potential of these research discoveries (glycan biomarkers) and prepare them for ERDF funding and subsequent exploitation in two Croatian and one Slovenian regions together with the University of Maribor. This will be achieved with the support of past Horizon partners Karolinska Institute and University of Liege. Innovation capacity and technology uptake will be further supported by the dedicated innovation management and technology transfer partner F6S, and GlycanAge SME partner that actively commercialises glycan biomarkers in the general health and wellness sector. Adoption of glycan biomarkers for personalised preventive healthcare will be demonstrated in real world setting and supported through a network of partners in the region. This will all prepare discoveries from past Horizon projects (glycan biomarkers) for future translation into clinical diagnostic biomarkers through support of ERDF funding.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 488 875,00
31000 OSIJEK

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Hrvatska Panonska Hrvatska Osječko-baranjska županija
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 488 875,00

Participantes (5)

Socios (1)