SURE-AMR aims to improve the R&I capacities of IMBG to strengthen its scientific reputation, attractiveness and networking channels, while promoting scientific excellence in the field of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) under an One Health Approach (OHA). It aims to raise the level of excellence of IMBG to EU standards and to raise its profile nationally and at EU level through a sustainable framework for scientific and institutional capacity building, international collaboration and stakeholder engagement. The project will strengthen R&I and knowledge transfer through the development of targeted R&I study cases, training for IMBG researchers and IMBG staff, increased collaboration between academia, health sector and stakeholders with a general sustainable framework for research, international networking and a specific international mobility programme. Strengthening the experience of IMBG research staff, including a new generation of young scientists, will be achieved through the cooperation with EU partners with established scientific excellence in the topics and proven experience in economic impact and awareness raising and integration into national policies. At the scientific level, it is expected to enlarge the community of competitive and renowned researchers at IMBG in AMR, stronger and better connected to a core of international and relevant R&I systems, supported by skilled R&I managers with their international networks. At the social level, it is expected to improve the public health and environmental quality of Ukraine (and EU) through an OHA, while developing broader social systems appropriate to the Ukrainian context to face better prevention, analysis and mitigation of AMR. At the economic level, the project will contribute to the development of innovative protocols, methodologies and innovative solutions for the health and ecological sector and the profitability of regional companies through new process improvements, innovation support and job creation.
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HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsKoordinator
03680 Kyiv